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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 69

The clothes hanging in the dressing room were all suits and shirts. Even the shoes in there were almost all black leather shoes.

Well, well… almost all his clothes are suits. In fact, I don’t see any casual clothes at all.

I randomly snagged one of Michael’s white shirts and promptly put it on.

My shirt wasn’t fit to be worn anymore, so I could only make do with his shirt. After all, I couldn’t possibly go about his house in my birthday suit.

His shirt was very big, so it fell to midthigh on me. While it appeared rather odd, it was far better than my torn shirt.

When I went downstairs, Michael was sitting in the living room with his legs crossed elegantly. As I looked at him from afar, I could sense the innate regality he exuded.

Hearing my footsteps, he glanced over his shoulder. The moment he saw that I was wearing his shirt, his alluring brows creased deeply.

Gazing into his eyes, I suddenly remembered that he had mysophobia. Could it be that the look in his eyes now is of reproach because I’m wearing his shirt?

“My shirt is torn, so I have no choice but to wear yours temporarily. But don’t worry, for I’ll definitely wash it before returning it to you,” I hastily explained, looking at him anxiously.

I was rather diffident since I took it without his permission.

Despite that, he was still eyeing me up and down. I couldn’t fathom his thoughts, and precisely for that reason, I felt all the edgier.

“You know what, I’ll change out of it right away.”

Hanging my head, I spun around to go upstairs and change out of the shirt after saying that morosely.

How stingy! Is this necessary when I just wanted to borrow his shirt for a while? It’s of no consequence to him!

When I was about to reach the staircase, Michael’s voice drifted over. “Just leave it on since you’re already wearing it. I didn’t say anything.”

His voice was placid as he spoke. Whirling around, I looked at him in delight as an inexplicable thrill shot through me.

“Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and cook! Or are you waiting for me to cook?”

As I started walking over to Michael, his voice rang out again.

Stopping short, I threw him a disgruntled look before grousing, “Why must I cook when you’ve got housekeepers?”

Michael regarded me impatiently. “You’re really mouthy, Anna! The housekeepers have the day off, so you go and cook!”

Since he had said as much, I had no excuse to refuse anymore.

Heaving a sigh, I dragged my feet to the kitchen.

When I reached the refrigerator in the kitchen, I opened it, only to be greeted by bare shelves that held only tomatoes and eggs.

“Say, do you not eat usually? There are too few ingredients in the fridge,” I said to Michael in exasperation after glancing at the ingredients in the refrigerator.

“I rarely eat at home since I’m entertaining clients almost every day,” Michael, who was drinking coffee in the living room, answered nonchalantly upon hearing my question.

At his reply, I speechlessly curled my lips. He’s entertaining clients almost every day? I wonder how his perfect figure came to be when he’s not eating properly every day, I grumbled inwardly.

However, I was also at a loss right then. What can I cook with a few tomatoes and eggs? I can’t be making scrambled eggs with tomatoes for the two of us, can I?


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