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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 78

I didn’t shy away from Michael’s gaze. Even though his terrifying aura scared me, I refused to yield.

“I’ll prove to you that the little lawyer doesn’t deserve your affection.”

As soon as he said that, he turned around and left.

After leaving the office, I dropped by the supermarket to buy some groceries before going back to the house in Birchwood.

Back home, I washed my hands and started cooking dinner. Due to being used to living with Natalie, I cooked two portions of dinner out of habit. As I sat at the dining table and stared at the amount of food, my heart clenched painfully.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to stop thinking about anything upsetting and picked up the cutlery to dig into my food. Just then, the sound of the door opening reached my ears. Stunned, I whipped my head toward the door.

Feeling scared was inevitable when I was living alone in a house, especially during the night. After all, there were many cases of breaking and entering, as well as young women being attacked in their own homes.

I was born with a wild imagination, so I felt somewhat nervous at that moment.

But when I saw Michael appearing through the door, I exhaled in relief.

However, it was short-lived. When my mind registered that it was Michael, I became nervous all over again, but for a different reason.

“W-What are you doing here?”

I peered at him nervously as he walked in, recalling the little dispute we had at the office earlier.

Don’t tell me he came here so late at night just to get even with me?

He’s a CEO of a big corporation, for God’s sake. He can’t be that petty, right?

The thought of that left me with frayed nerves, and a hint of wariness entered my eyes that were following his every movement.

“What kind of question is that? I already told you I’d be coming over tonight.” Michael sat down across from me with furrowed brows and reminded me in a bland tone.

Only then did I remember what he said about working twice as hard to satisfy him, which did nothing to make me feel better.

Words failed me as I looked at him in embarrassment. Knowing that he was here for sex, I instantly lost my appetite.

Upon seeing the food I had made, his eyes flashed with a trace of delight. Then, he unceremoniously picked up a pair of cutleries and started eating.

After taking a few bites, he raised his head to look at me with a charming smile. “Not bad. You even remembered to cook me dinner.”

Michael looked very handsome when he smiled. His smile reminded me of sunshine during the winter, and I felt warm and fuzzy on the inside. I stared at him in a daze for quite some time before returning to my senses.

Apart from feeling annoyed that I had swooned over him just moments ago, I also grumbled silently about him assuming that I had cooked dinner for him. I was merely used to cooking two portions of dinner after living with Natalie for so long.


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