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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 80

Resting motionlessly on top of my body, he was huffing and puffing, and his chest heaved.

Judging from his usual demeanor, I couldn’t tell that he was a man who would be so aggressive in bed.

I wonder how many women he had been with that he had acquired such impressive skills in bed.

The man panted heavily for a long time before moving away from me.

“Michael, can you make the sessions shorter next time? If this goes on, both you and I are going to be exhausted.”

Turning my head to the man lying next to me, I saw a glint of displeasure in his eyes.

Michael’s so wild every time. He never cares about others’ feelings!

At that moment, I couldn’t feel my legs, as though they were broken and no longer attached to my body.

“If I last only for one minute in bed, will you be happy with it?”

Immediately, I corrected him; what I meant was that he went on too long. All men loved it when their women commented on this, and Michael was no exception.

As soon as those words left my mouth, he turned to look at me with a devilish grin. His dark eyes gleamed with pride.

Nevertheless, his words rendered me speechless. If he lasts only for a minute, that’ll be too short… Did I ask him to finish it within a minute? I only asked him to shorten the time – maybe for about half an hour will do.

But of course, there was no way I would say these thoughts aloud in front of a man.

If I said it out loud, he would probably despise me inwardly. After all, men loved ladylike and well-bred women. Despite the fact that I was nowhere near ladylike, I believed it was better to be reserved when it came to lovemaking.

Bone-tired, I drifted off into a deep slumber.

The following day, Michael was nowhere to be seen when I woke up. Despite having spent the night with him many times, never once had I seen him the next morning. To be honest, I couldn’t help feeling disappointed.

Getting out of bed, I put on my clothes and washed up briefly before preparing breakfast.

Afterward, I wolfed down a poached egg and two slices of bread before leaving for work in a hurry. Because of the strenuous night, I woke up later than usual. It would be such a huge loss if my salary got deducted for lateness.

The second I arrived at the office and sat at my desk, a delivery man asked, “Excuse me. May I know who Ms. Anna Garcia is?”

“That’s me!”

Immediately, I jumped to my feet and waved at the delivery man.

The latter marched toward me, and I was nonplussed at the sight of a gigantic bouquet of red roses in his hands. Who sent me these roses?

Signing the proof of delivery, I took over the bouquet of roses and fished out a small card.

For some inexplicable reason, I felt a pang of disappointment when I found out that it was from Yuval.

Opposite my desk, Millie saw it and asked inquisitively, “Anna, who gave you such a huge bunch of flowers? Is it from your boyfriend?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”


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