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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 93

I couldn’t deny that Michael was a great partner in bed, and getting to sleep with him was always a pleasurable experience.

Every touch of his hands and mouth left goosebumps in its wake, igniting a flame within me.

In the back of my mind, I thought about ending this relationship and possibly getting married to someone else. I wondered if I and my future husband would be as compatible in bed as Michael and I were.

After all, it was hard to get used to someone new after you had already grown so familiar with a person’s body.

Sensing my momentary distraction, Michael paused and knitted his eyebrows together.

“Why do you look distracted when I’m trying to please you? Am I not doing well enough for you?”

Men didn’t like it when their partners had the peace of mind to think about anything else except them during sex, and Michael was no exception.

I snapped back to reality, my heart skipping a beat in a panic when my gaze met his icy cold one. How did he even notice that I was distracted?

“No. It feels good,” I hurriedly replied, turning to look at anything but him.

“It doesn’t seem that way to me. Looks like I’ll need to work harder.”

His movements instantly increased in their intensity, and I had no other option but to take what he was giving me.

I was drained of all energy after several rounds in a row, and I felt him finally release inside me.

He didn’t collapse and go to sleep straight away but wrapped me up in his arms and held me as his breath slowly evened out.

It felt nice to be in his embrace like that, and I briefly dreamed of a life where I could fall asleep like this every night.

The idea startled me as soon as it crossed my mind. Since when have I grown to rely on Michael so much? How could he ever be a permanent presence in my future?

I shook my head as if physically chasing all the bad thoughts away. I understood all too well that Michael and I would never be a thing, and I couldn’t allow myself to fantasize about it anymore.

“What’s wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?” Michael stared at me curiously.

“N- No…” I quickly denied.

I couldn’t let him figure out what I was thinking.

He had told me multiple times before that a relationship between us was impossible.

Thus, if he found out about my feelings for him, who knew what he might think about me.

Michael didn’t respond, closing his eyes as if going to sleep.

“Um… I’m going back to my hometown tomorrow.” I spoke up, glancing at him. “I’ll be back by nighttime on the last day of the weekend.”


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