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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 99

After hearing my words, Michael’s mouth curved into an ironic smile. He leaned toward me, staring at me. His eyes were dark with unfathomable emotion. “Did you think that I couldn’t afford to take care of your family?”

I forced myself to look him in the eye and explained in all seriousness, “What I meant was, you don’t need to give my family money. They have misunderstood our relationship, so if you keep giving them money, they will ask you for more next time.”

Well, people are greedy for money, especially my lazy, good-for-nothing brother! I’ve been settling his problems all these years, and he’s getting worse. If he knows he can easily get money from Michael, he will definitely ask for more next time.

After I finished my words, Michael frowned and fixed his penetrating gaze on me.

I stared at him, feeling nervous and having no idea what was going through his mind. Suddenly, a pleased smile flashed across his face. “Anna, are you helping me to save money? Well, other women would definitely wish I could give more money, but you surprised me!”

I had never heard of these scandals about him. However, from the way he casually treated me as a friend with benefits in the first place, I guessed he must have had many sexual partners before.

Is he trying to say that all his previous sexual partners asked him for a lot of money?

I was curious but did not dare to ask him. After all, Michael did not like me asking about his personal matters. Besides, I was not his girlfriend, nor did I have the right to ask.

“I just don’t want others to know that we’re friends with benefits. Didn’t you forbid me from telling others about our relationship? If you keep giving my family money, they’ll know about it sooner or later!”

Little did he know that I did not want him to give my family money because it was impossible for us to be together, and I was reluctant to reveal our shameful relationship. Besides, if he kept giving money, I would feel as though he was my sugar daddy!

“Even if your family knew about it, they live in the countryside and can’t spread the word. So what?”

Initially, I thought Michael would understand after I explained it to him. Much to my surprise, he did not mind if my family knew about our relationship.

“Well, even if you’re not worried, I’ll still be worried. You should know we can’t be together. Perhaps, you don’t know our neighbors in the countryside love gossiping when they get together. What if my parents told them about our relationship? I’ll be so embarrassed that I dare not go home!”

Knowing that Michael and I could not be together, I was so worried that my parents had told those neighbors I was dating a rich guy. By the time we end our relationship, how am I going to answer them if they ask me about him? If I tell them we broke up, my reputation will still be tarnished.

Though I was no longer chaste, pure, and clean, I cared about what others might think of me. I did not want them to backbite or gossip about me when I got home in the future.

After hearing my words, Michael remained silent and looked seriously at me.

I knew him well. That man would not simply change his mind just because of my few words. Well, what else can I do? He’s so stubborn!

After a while, he responded, “Alright, I get it!”

Then, he started the car and drove off in silence.

Indeed, his words stunned me, and I could not react. I kept staring blankly at his profile and wondered if he had agreed to it.

With that, we did not talk anymore on the way back to Birchwood.


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