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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137 Pick Clothes 

Laurel struggled to break free from Hayden

Hayden was so strong that she couldn’t move at all

She lowered her voice and said through gritted teeth to Hayden, Hayden, what do you want exactly?” 

Help me choose a dress,” Hayden said

Laurel frowned, Didn’t you already make a selection?” 

When did I make my selection?Hayden asked in response

Laurel finally realized how absurd Hayden was

The staff had already brought the suits they had selected for him in front of him. Upon hearing Hayden’s words, the staff awkwardly left… 

Laurel felt uncomfortable as a staff member

What kind do you like?Laurel asked, trying to remain calm

She really didn’t want to waste her time on him

When she left Daybreak Mall, she was already a little later than the expected time

I liked you like this,” Hayden replied

He still smiled brightly

Erik couldn’t bear to watch anymore and couldn’t help but 

Chapter 137 Pick Clothe 

111 Wouter 

say, Can you two go home and flirt? I’m right next to you!” 

Laurel blushed as Erik spoke about her

She retorted, So what? You have had women before.” 

I didn’t have a wife.” 

You had so many sexual partners, you were never single,” Laurel found it amusing

Erik was a typical playboy, he had countless women just like Hayden

So their relationship was so good

They were just a group of people

There was no love between me and them,Erik said nonchalantly

Laurel didn’t want to deal with Erik anymore

Talking about love with someone like this is simply ridiculous

Years later, there would still be that one woman who made Erik wish for death

Laurel looked at Hayden and said, You let go of me, and I’ll help you pick out a dress.” 

Okay.Hayden let go. 

Hayden looked expectant

Laurel felt pressure inexplicably

Chapter 137 Pck Clothes 

If she was expected by someone, she would worry about not doing well

Laurel thought that Hayden was very good at making others listen to him

Unconsciously, she kept up with his footsteps

She tried to stay calm and carefully chose

This one.” Laurel pointed to a set of dark gray suit and spoke

Mrs. Gilbert, you have a great eye. This is the flagship design of our designer this season, but because the style is too trendy, few people dare to try it on except for celebrities. But actually, this set is really cool, as shown by our model wearing it.” The staff enthusiastically took out the photo on the tablet

Laurel glanced

She bluntly said, Hayden looked more handsome than him.” 

This was not a praise for Hayden

But relying on her sensitivity to fashion, she could almost instantly determine what style suits what kind of person

The clothes she matched for Bruno in those years were repeatedly praised by the media. Bruno was known as the bestdressed man in Rosegrad City

Thinking about all the efforts she had once made for Bruno, Laurel felt a wave of anger

Thank you for the compliment,Hayden’s voice seemed to carry a hint of laughter

Chapter 137 Pickettes 

Laurel rolled her eyes and ignored him


She knew that Hayden was extremely proud at that moment

Hayden had no understanding of what humility was

The staff noticed that Laurel did not respond, so they quickly livened up the atmosphere and said, Mr. Gilbert is the most handsome man in all of Rosegrad City, so of course he looks. good in anything he wears. Mr. Gilbert, please wait a moment, I will go get your clothes right away.” 

Hayden nodded

He turned around and looked at Laurel, To show my gratitude, shall I help you pick out clothes?” 

No, I’ll pick it myself,” Laurel refused

She did not disbelieve Hayden’s judgment

After all, the wedding dress they wore had once shocked her

But she still wanted to believe in herself

Hayden didn’t force her, but instead accompanied her to choose clothes

Erik couldn’t bear it anymore on the side… 

He thought Hayden and Laurel were too sweet

Everyone knew they were a couple, so they didn’t need to do that

Mr. Gilbert, your suit has been prepared for you. Please proceed to the cloakroom, where the staff will assist you in 

Chapter 117 Pick Clothes 

changing,the staff member respectfully approached

Hayden nodded

He followed and left

710 Maychen 

When she left, Laurel had actually already chosen her dress. She waited for a while, and the staff accompanied her to the dressing room to change her dress

She walked in

Then she saw Jasmine come out after changing

They were facing each other

Laurel knew that she and Jasmine could never be friends, and they were even in a hostile relationship, so she naturally didn’t. bother to greet her. She brushed past Jasmine

Laurel,Jasmine suddenly stopped in her tracks and called 

out to her

Laurel also paused for a moment


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