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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Hayden Saves Laurel 

A thrilling night

It seemed that at that moment, it suddenly became quiet

Laurel stared tightly at the two mangled cars in front of her

She looked at one of them, still so familiar


It was impossible


The car was his, butdefinitely not driven by him

He didn’t know, but he risked his life to save her

He didn’t need to go to such an extent

Laurel’s vision seemed a bit blurry

She looked vaguely at the two collided cars, there was no movement inside

It’s as if the people inside have all died

Laurel’s heart suddenly ached

Intense pain

It really is a painful feeling

Chapter 145 Hayden Saver Laund 


She thought that she would never have this feeling again in her life

She would never let herself experience this feeling again

She opened the car door

At the moment the car door opened, Mike also quickly opened the car door and rushed out

He was clearly faster than her

He seemed to have also noticed that the car at the moment belonged to Hayden

Mike quickly walked to the driver’s cabin

A visibly altered cabin. Mike forcefully knocked on the door of the cabin

Laurel also walked over

She was the one who, despite the pain in her heart, took one step after another and walked past

The streets at night, even with streetlights, were not too bright

So at the moment when all the airbags had deployed in the driver’s cabin, Laurel also couldn’t see clearly who the man inside the cabin was

She only felt that he seemed to have lost a lot of blood

With this

A car quickly approached

Chapter 145 Hayden Saves Laur 

384 Wouchers 

The car was abruptly braked and came to a screeching halt in front of them

Erik and Nathan got off the car

No, Hayden

Laurel’s panic was becoming increasingly difficult to conceal

Erik and Nathan quickly walked up to the sedan and watched Mike crazily banging on the car door

The car door was locked!Mike exclaimed to them hurriedly.” 

Erik quickly returned to the car and took out a hammer from inside his sedan

Erik walked past

He did not hesitate

He swung the hammer and directly shattered the car window

The broken glass from the car window was scattered everywhere

Everyone watched Erik nervously as he reached into the shattered glass and opened the car door from inside

A loud bang.” 

Got pushed out when going out

Erik suddenly pulled open the car door

He bent down and frantically opened the airbag, pulling out a bloody person from inside

Chapter 145 Hayder 

Dragged down in that moment

Laurel understood clearly

She saw clearly his face covered in blood

She saw clearly that he was Hayden

Laurel’s chest was really in severe pain

12 Wouters 

She really didn’t expect, really didn’t expect that Hayden. would actually sacrifice himself to this extent for her

Even a second ago, she was complaining about Hayden’s coldbloodedness

Mr. Gilbert,” Mike exclaimed, visibly excited after recognizing the person

On the contrary, Erik was much steadier at the moment

He carried Hayden directly to his car

Nathan quickly caught up and opened the car door for Erik

As Erik put Hayden down, Nathan sat in

With this

Erik quickly returned to the driver’s seat, stepped on the accelerator, and sped away

Laurel watched as the three men suddenly disappeared

The three men who suddenly disappeared in front of her

Mike!Laurel called out to him, turning her head

Mrs. Gilbert, hurry up and get in the car,Mike seemed to have just realized

The two people got back into the car

Mike stepped on the accelerator and quickly caught up the car in front


The car was driving fast

It was no less than the speed at which they were being chased


Was Hayden seriously injured

Laurel had just felt that when Hayden was pulled out of the car by Erik, the whole person was completely lifeless


Hayden couldn’t have died

In the previous life, Hayden clearly lived longer than her

He wouldn’t be shortlived just because of her rebirth

Definitely not

The car quickly arrived at the downtown hospital

At the entrance of the hospital, numerous doctors and nurses were already waiting there

As soon as Erik stopped the car, the doctor opened the door. The medical staff quickly lifted Hayden onto a mobile bed


Chapter 145 Hayden Saves 

Hayden was hooked up to oxygen. The doctor and nurse pushed him, quickly leaving

Erik and Nathan kept up with the pace

Mike and Laurel also followed behind them

They arrived at the emergency room

Hayden was pushed in

The door of the emergency room was suddenly closed

The words In surgerywere shining on the door

Others were isolated outside the operating room

Erik was clearly restless

As soon as Hayden entered, he became so anxious that he stomped his feet and paced back and forth

Erik completely lost his composure

Nathan stood by, not as exaggerated as Erik, but his face clearly showed some concern

Mike was too

Mike’s unchanging stiff face revealed hidden emotions

Of course, Laurel was the same

She was really scared, Hayden died just like that

He died for her just like that

She was reborn in this life, only wanting to seek revenge on 

Chapter 145 Hayden Saves Lum 

those who harmed her, never considering the lives of others being affected

Her eyes tightened

At that moment, her hatred towards Bruno seemed to deepen a little more

In the corridor

Everyone was waiting restlessly

Shit!Erik suddenly cursed, Does Hayden have a death wish?” 

Laurel glanced at Erik

Nathan seemed to have pulled Erik aside and comforted, He 

would be fine.” 


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