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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Sweet Kiss 

I just had Zion simmer some herbal soup, I’ll go get it.Hayden immediately left

Laurel did not understand Hayden’s meaning

She wondered, What is torture?” 

I sincerely wanted him to accompany me tonight.” 

How can you say it was torture?” 

Laurel was lost in her thoughts

Luckily, Hayden just left for a while

He held the medicinal soup and walked up to her

Hayden placed the medicinal soup on the bedside table and then bent down to pick up Laurel, helping her sit up with her back against the headboard

Then Hayden picked up the medicinal soup again, scooped a spoonful, and placed it by Laurel’s lips

“Open your mouth,” Hayden said

Laurel obediently opened her mouth

She could actually take the medicine by herself

However, Laurel just couldn’t seem to resist Hayden

I couldn’t refuse any of his requests

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Hayden fed a spoonful of medicine soup into Laurel’s mouth

Laurel took a bite

It was so bitter.Laurel’s features all wrinkled together

Good medicine tastes bitter,Hayden said

But it was too bitter,” Laurel refused to take a second bite

Good, after you finish drinking, I will give you some candy.” 

Could you put sugar directly into the medicine?” 

No.Hayden refused

Laurel looked at Hayden like this, with a face full of grievances

This is a traditional remedy passed down in our family. When I was a child, I often got injured and would drink it every time. My body would quickly recover.Hayden explained

Did you often get injured when you were a child?Laurel asked

Laurel was a little surprised

Hayden was born into wealth and privilege and had someone take care of him throughout his childhood. How could he frequently get injured

Drink the medicine first, I’ll tell you,Hayden seemed to sense Laurel’s confusion and spoke frankly

Laurel hesitated for a moment



Laurel thought, Admit it.”” 

138 Mouchiers 

I just really wanted to know what kind of person Hayden 


She gritted her teeth and nodded

Hayden drank down more than half a bowl of medicinal soup, sip by sip

The medicine was very bitter

She felt that her entire mouth had no sensation

Hayden felt very uncomfortable

Just then, she saw that Hayden suddenly had an extra candy 

in his hand

After Hayden unwrapped the candy, he placed it near Laurel’s mouth

Laurel opened her mouth

She was even a little impatient to eat sweet candies

But the moment she opened her mouth, there was a surprise

Laurel widened her eyes

She tasted the sweetness of sugar

But what she tasted was the sweetness in his mouth

Hayden didn’t feed the candy to her mouth, instead, at the moment she opened her mouth, it went into his mouth. Then, Hayden kissed Laurel deeply

Laurel wondered, What does this mean?” 

Is this the sweet taste that is rumored to be present when kissing?” 

This almost made Laurel collapse

In a quiet room

Two bodies, tightly embraced

They pressed their lips together and kissed deeply

This one kiss lasted for a long time

This made Laurel feel like she had a feeling of wanting to stay with Hayden forever

Hayden stopped kissing

Laurel’s lips were slightly swollen

In his eyes, desire had already begun

But his body remained motionless

He kept looking at her rosy lips and softly said, Is it still bitter?” 

Laurel’s face turned extremely red

In Laurel’s mouth, all she could taste was sweetness


you want to have another one?Hayden asked her

This tone made Laurel feel like Hayden treated her as a child

The tone was filled with affection

No, thanks.Laurel actually didn’t like eating sweets

Laurel thought to herself, I only wanted to eat candy just now because the medicine was too bitter.” 

There was a new problem now

Will I fall in love with the taste of sugar in the future?” 

Go to bed early, it’s already late now.”” 

Are you coming with me?Laurel suddenly asked him

Ms. Lambert, I felt that your statement was ambiguous,Hayden solemnly pointed out

Laurel knew that he was deliberately flirting with her

But she seemed to be less resistant

She told Hayden very seriously, I want to talk to you.” 

Hayden’s throat twitched slightly

He probably guessed what Laurel was going to say

He nodded and said, You speak.” 

It is actually very late now

After what happened tonight, both of them should be very 


But Laurel at this moment really couldn’t fall asleep for even a second

She looked at Hayden’s excessively handsome cheeks, took a deep breath, and asked, Hayden, would you care about my 

Chapter 2015 Kiss 



Of course,” Hayden replied without hesitation, very confidently

Would they care about my first night?” 

Very concerned,Hayden said seriously

Laurel couldn’t help but bite her lip

Laurel felt that Hayden completely exceeded her expectations

Laurel thought to herself, Normally, after something like this happened today, Hayden shouldn’t have said that all he cares about is my heart.” 

With such a confident tone, how can I continue with what I was going to say?” 

Laurel stared at Hayden like this

Hayden chuckled instead and said, To love a woman is to care about everything about her. He would even care about a single strand of her hair.” 

Laurel thought, I understood.” 

My man was the most unreliable creature in the world

But caring doesn’t mean disliking,” Hayden said sincerely, I’ve said it before, I will never dislike you.” 


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