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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 218

Chapter 218 Cerebral Hemorrhage 

No,Shelley hesitated for a second and coldly refused. Compared to you, your son disgusts me even more!” 

Shelley, what more does Nathan have to do for you?Miranda finally became somewhat agitated. From childhood to now, you have hit him, insulted him, and played tricks on him. Not only does he not hold grudges, but he also always stays by your side, protecting you, caring for you, and looking after you. What more do you want him to do for you?” 

If he had really treated me well, he wouldn’t have asked me. to marry him!Shelley retorted

How helpless must he have been to resort to such means to get to you! Have you ever thought about it, Shelley?” 

Shelley mustered up the courage to argue with Miranda

Miranda interrupted her directly. Who was Nathan’s scar on the forehead left for?” 

Shelley was startled

When Nathan was 12 years old, she deliberately flew a kite up in a tree and asked him to climb up and get it for her. She had thought at that time how good it would be if Nathan fell and died. As a result, Nathan actually fell down. His forehead was covered in blood and required 8 stitches. He still has a scar on his head now. That’s why Nathan never combs his hair upwards

Who was the dog bite mark on the back of Nathan’s hand 

Chapter 218 Cerebral Hemontage 

for?Miranda interrogated Shelley

Shelley bit her lip lightly

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When she was 14 years old, the school organized an outing. She accidentally got lost and her phone ran out of battery. While searching for the group, she encountered a wild dog. As the wild dog lunged at her to bite, Nathan suddenly appeared from somewhere and attacked the dog, killing it. It was the first time Shelley saw Nathan being so brutal. He also got bitten by the wild dog and almost had the flesh on the back of his hand bitten off

Who was it that made Nathan leave his hometown and study abroad alone for four years in the end?” 

Shelley didn’t want to think

But she had to remember

It was she who made Nathan leave back then

She said she didn’t want to see him. She hoped he could go. abroad to study. She wanted to be with Paul. She didn’t want any conflicts between Nathan and Paul

After all, everyone knew that Nathan liked her

When Nathan was 18 years old, he really left because of a sentence from Shelley

Originally, he had already been admitted to the best university in the country

He refused. He went abroad to retake the exam

Is it necessary for Nathan to take out his heart for you to see 

Chapter 218 Central Hemorag 

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how broken and shattered it was?Miranda said, her eyés turning red

That was Nathan’s business too!Shelley remained indifferent


Shelley made herself not to be sad

Nathan liked her, that was his business

She didn’t make Nathan like her again

Why does she have to marry Nathan just because he treats her well

Miranda saw Shelley’s indifferent attitude and became so angry that her body was trembling

Atwood looked at Miranda with sadness. And because of Shelley’s cold and indifferent tone, his anger suddenly erupted. Shelley, have I been too lenient and indulgent. toward you? Do you really not understand what gratitude, filial piety, and respect mean?” 

I became like this just because I didn’t have a mother!Shelley roared angrily

The contradiction between Shelley and Atwood was probably difficult to resolve in their lifetime

Atwood suddenly blushed

His eyes were wide open, his face had a stiff expression, and he looked very ferocious

Chapter 218 Cerebral Hemonhage 

His body also shook suddenly

His face clearly changed

Atwood,” Laurel hurriedly went over to support him

Atwood stiffened his body and suddenly couldn’t speak

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Miranda was also startled. Atwood, Atwood, what’s wrong with you?” 

Shelley, call 911! Hurry!Laurel urged

Shelley was also scared by the appearance of her dad

She was angry, but she never thought of making Atwood so 


She trembled as she dialed the phone

Laurel made a quick decision. Miranda, let’s take Atwood directly to the hospital. Let’s be careful and not shake him. It seems like he had a stroke caused by high blood pressure! Shelley, you should have your dad’s personal doctor waiting for us at the hospital.” 

Okay,Shelley trembled as she agreed

A group of people quickly took Atwood to the hospital

Atwood was taken to the emergency room by an ambulance

Shelley watched as the doors of the emergency room closed

Yesterday, a patient was admitted

Another one was sent in today

Chapter 218 Cerebral Hemonhage 

Shelley’s eyes turned red and redder


She clenched her lips tightly and told herself that she was not wrong

Why should her happiness be threatened like this

In the corridor, sobbing sounds were occasionally heard

It was Miranda who was crying softly

Laurel had been comforting her, assuring her that nothing would happen

Although in the previous life, Laurel did not accompany Shelley back to the Cooper family and seemed to not 

remember whether Atwood was taken to the hospital, in her current life, Atwood will not die at this time

-An hour passed

The doctor came out

Miranda went past with teary eyes. Doctor, how is my husband?” 

Madam, rest assured. Mr. Cooper has already recovered from the danger. We haven’t found any sequelae for the time. being. It’s fortunate that you brought him here in time. Otherwise, there would have been a high chance of death or paralysis from the cerebral hemorrhage.” 

Thank you,Miranda quickly expressed her gratitude

Mr. Cooper had a cerebral hemorrhage due to a sudden onset of high blood pressure. Although his condition has now stabilized, it is important to be cautious and avoid any stimuli 

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Chapter 218 Cerebral

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that may cause him distress. Otherwise, the consequences. next time could be unimaginable.” 

We would pay attention.” 

The doctor gave a few more instructions

Not long after, Atwood was pushed out

His face was extremely pale, and he looked incredibly weak


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