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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 240

Chapter 240 They Make Out
If Hayden was a person from an aristocratic family, then there would be an answer to how Bruno could never suppress Hayden and how he could never defeat Hayden’s doubts.
But if it was really like this, what was the relationship between Hayden and the Gilbert family?
It was strange.
But Laurel had not heard of any connection between the Gilbert family and the aristocratic family.
She was very confused.
Of course, Hayden would not answer Laurel’s question.
He remained silent.
Laurel helped Hayden reapply the bandage to the wound. While sticking on the layer of adhesive tape, she confirmed, “Do we still need to apply this? It doesn’t allow for proper ventilation, which is even more detrimental to the wound’s healing.”
“It’s nothing,” Hayden said nonchalantly.
Actually, Laurel knew.
Hayden was afraid that the wound would tear and blood would seep out, exposing the truth.
Chapter 240 They Make Cut
Who was he hiding from?
Laurel’s eyes narrowed. “I heard that there was some
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connection between the Gilbert family and the former nobility
of Lexingcester.””
Hayden remained unaffected.
“Are you from an aristocratic family?” Laurel asked.
She was just curious about his identity.
Hayden’s throat twitched slightly.
She also didn’t know who said that the Adam’s apple of a man
is s exy.
She didn’t think so before.
Now she really knew.
A handsome man looks good everywhere.
“Are you taking about House Gilbert, who once controlled the aristocratic family and was then united against and
annihilated by them?” Hayden asked so candidly.
This did surprise Laurel a little.
“I was just speaking casually,” Laurel suddenly hesitated.
She suddenly didn’t want to hear the answer.
Hayden laughed.
He stared at her. “Are you sure you were just joking?”
Laurel gritted her teeth.
Chapter 240 They Make Out
She was so provoked by Hayden that she had an urge to resist.
She was about to speak.
“Anyway, I wouldn’t say anything.”
Why did he ask her?
She was excited.
She was really scared of certain truths.
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“Go out.” Laurel didn’t want to continue being so conflicted.
She thought.
In the end, things mended.
The path was chosen by her.
Hayden’s family background was once again prominent, and she accepted it.
She turned around and prepared to go out.
Her arm was suddenly grabbed forcefully.
Laurel frowned.
What is Hayden going to do again?
“Come over here,” Hayden called out to her.
His tone was still domineering.
“What did you do?”
Chapter 240 They MakeOut
“The thing that was just not finished.”
“Did I just say that I couldn’t control myself?”
“Aren’t you in control?” Laurel retorted.
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He had just been clearly enthusiastic as if he was about to
burst out.
Wasn’t Hayden quite calm now?
She actually admired Hayden’s strong self-control.
“Not good,” Hayden stated bluntly.
Laurel stared at him.
The next second, she watched helplessly as he took her hand. and leaned in…
Laurel’s head “exploded” with a bang, feeling like she was about to burst.
Could he… not be so shameless?
Was he reserved?
Did he have a sense of propriety?
What about his sense of shame?
She looked at Hayden like this.
She stared at him.
She stared at him for a long time.
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Chapter 240 They Make Out
Laurel felt that her hands were really going to be ruined.
She kept washing her palms, kept washing.
“Come and help me take a bath.”
“Hayden, you can’t push your luck! Wasn’t it enough just
now?!” Laurel’s face turned red with frustration.
Well, in fact, her face was always red.
She was still very cute in red.
Hayden liked it very much.
Laurel felt so embarrassed under Hayden’s gaze.
Who should feel ashamed just now?
Who was so proactive just now?
“Being obedient, I found it easy for the wound to get wet when I bathed by myself.”
“Couldn’t you just not wash?”
“Could not.”
“That was also your business.”
What happened to Laurel?
“Anyway, the most crucial parts were all taken by you…” Hayden hesitated, his words trailing off.
His face still had a hint of shyness.
Chapter 240 They Make Out
He was installing.
D amn it!
“What else haven’t I shown you?” Hayden said and even
winked at Laurel.
Son of a gun!
Men were sometimes very lustful.
They were much more lascivious than women.
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Laurel felt that she always compromised with Hayden, simply because he annoyed her.
Just because, if she didn’t satisfy Hayden, he would keep nagging.
So, she compromised again.
She took the risk of her hands getting completely ruined.
She bathed Hayden.
She finally finished bathing him.
Laurel’s body was also wet.
She even broke a sweat, so she decided to take a shower herself.
She walked out wearing a bathrobe and saw that Hayden was already asleep in bed.
The door was finally closed by him.
Laurel ignored Hayden and called the department store to
Chapter 240 They Make Out
have them send another set of formal attire. She then returned to bed and lay beside Hayden.
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It was really because of habit. She was used to sleeping with two people on one bed.
Laurel closed her eyes and, after all the fussing for half a day,
she really felt a bit tired, so she wanted to take a nap.
Then she felt Hayden hugging her from behind.
Laurel was a bit helpless.
Could he please stay away from her?
Their marriage was fake.
That meant he couldn’t do that to her!
Laurel really wanted to scold Hayden!
Shelley woke up.
Miranda called her.
Miranda’s voice was clearly filled with anger. “Shelley, is this the Nathan you took care of? Do you really want him dead?”
Shelley was yelled at inexplicably.
Shelley remembered that she was playing games.
But because Shelley lost two games, she got angry and didn’t play anymore.
Shelley put her phone aside and was originally daydreaming,

Chapter 240 They Make Out
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occasionally glancing at Nathan’s updates. Surprisingly, she fell asleep.
How did Shelley fall asleep?
She remembered the last time she saw Nathan’s drip, it still had more than half left. She estimated that it would take over
an hour to finish.
How come he has already finished the infusion now?
The consequences were not very good.
There was a long tube of blood inside the syringe.
This looks a bit scary.
Nathan’s private doctor was providing him with remedies.
Miranda was furious.
Did she really trust Shelley too much?
Shelley, from childhood to adulthood, was always careless.
Shelley had no idea how to care for others.
After Miranda finished shouting at Shelley, she anxiously watched the doctor’s movements.
A long time passed.
The liquid inside the drip was absorbed, and the doctor removed Nathan’s needle. “Mrs. Deacon, could you please help Mr. Deacon apply pressure? He just had a blood
transfusion. This time, you must press harder, otherwise it will be difficult to stop the bleeding.”
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Chapter 245 They Make Out
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“Okay,” Miranda agreed as she was about to reach out her hand. Suddenly, she paused and turned to Shelley, saying, “Come here!”
Shelley looked unwilling.
“Come over quickly and give Nathan CPR,” Miranda ordered.
“Why do I…” Shelley’s words were suppressed by Miranda’s imposing manner.
Miranda was really infuriating.
Miranda had just divorced Atwood, and yet Shelley was so fierce.
Shelley gritted her teeth.
Shelley still walked past.
Then Shelley followed the doctor’s instructions and held Nathan down.
Shelley looked very unwell.
But due to a slight sense of guilt, she did not refuse.
“Shelley, if I hadn’t just come in to check on him, you wouldn’t have even known that Nathan died!” Miranda was completely unyielding and not appeased by Shelley’s current
Miranda became more and more angry as she thought about it.


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