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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 255

Chapter 255 I Like You?! 

Did you notice the problem?Hayden asked Laurel, not giving her much time

All the contracts were signed by Robert.” 

What else?” 

The amount was 16 million dollars, which matched the amount of the private transaction.” 

Take another look,” Hayden reminded

There seemed to be a bigger problem

Laurel read it again in silence

She suddenly thought, It’s all about buying building materials.” 

Yes,” Hayden nodded, I have looked at the contract date. It was just a week after Marigold Estates purchased the land. These building materials were already purchased before the contractors were even finalized. And the amount spent on the purchase was not insignificant. If it wasn’t for the urgency of this project, someone must have been in a hurry for money.” 

So, what you’re saying is that these few arefake contracts?” 

Hayden nodded, If I’m not mistaken, Robert can only approve contracts worth up to 8 million dollars, so this 16 million dollars was split into three contracts to obtain it. It was 

Chapter 2551 Like You

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a way to bypass the step of getting your father’s signature.” 

Laurel listened quietly, startled by Hayden’s mental abilities

He never worked at the Lambert Group. How could he be so familiar with the operations of the Lambert Group

So the key now is to prove that these three false contracts have nothing to do with my father. That way, many things can be resolved,Laurel asked

Hayden nodded

So now, my main task is to investigate the counterparts of these three contracts. Only if they appear in court as witnesses, can these become valid evidence.” 

I have already arranged for Erik to do it,” Hayden said

-Laurel stared at him blankly

Tomorrow morning, he should be able to give me a reply.” 

Laurel looked at Hayden

Although she knew that Hayden was not the person seen by outsiders

But she didn’t think Hayden was that amazing either… 

Laurel tried to stay calm. She said, Konan reported my dad by name. I think the whole thing is quite suspicious. He had already escaped, and now he suddenly came back. I suspect someone is secretly instigating him.” 

Don’t worry, I had already planted a mole by his side. Once there is any trace, we will be able to obtain evidence.” 

So whatever she would think of, Hayden would also think of

So, are you still angry?Hayden asked her

When did I get angry?Laurel asked in response

She just thought that Hayden was sometimes a bit childish

She thought that what Hayden gave her was nothing more than bags, jewelry, and so on. She was not interested in any of these things

She didn’t expect

Hayden actually did so much for her

He did so many things silently

She wouldn’t have said those words before if she had been more lowkey

This has to be blamed on Hayden

Would she have said those words if he had confessed immediately

She thought and thought

The recent unpleasant incident was not her fault

Would you be willing to sleep with me on the same bed?” 

Hayden, you couldn’t push your luck.” 

I did so much for you. Don’t you appreciate me?” 

you were only doing it for yourself,Laurel reluctantly came up with a reason

Chapter 255 | Like You?! 

Hayden’s face changed slightly

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We are on the same boat now. If something bad happened to me, would you be better off?Laurel said nonchalantly

Hayden laughed

He seemed to have laughed

Anyway, she saw a slight upward curve on his lips

He suddenly bent over, getting close to her face

Laurel froze

She became petrified, motionless

Every time Hayden approached, her heart would race

He lifted her chin, looked at her, and asked slowly, Is it difficult for you to admit that I like you?” 

At that moment, Laurel felt her heartbeat slow down

One by one

But the heartbeat pounded fiercely

What was it

Make her admit that he liked her

It was… 

She was unwilling to believe that Hayden had genuine feelings for her

She was afraid of being deceived

Chapter 255 | Like You?i

gan Mouchers 

At this moment, however, she suddenly had a feeling of not knowing what to do

Laurel, what have you experienced? Why have you become the way you are now?Hayden did not force Laurel to answer

Because he couldn’t force it either

He just really wanted to know what 22yearold Laurel had experienced

She changed so much

You could investigate me,Laurel said

Did you think I didn’t do it?Hayden raised an eyebrow

Because he didn’t find anything, that’s why he asked her

Laurel fell silent again

Hayden also fell silent.. 

He quickly compromised

He was always compromising with Laurel

She justdidn’t believe, that’s all

Do you want to sleep with me or not, it’s up to you. I won’t force you,Hayden said, standing up from the couch and going straight to bed

Laurel just looked at Hayden like that

Before, Laurel thought he was childish

At this moment, Laurel felt as if he had been slightly injured

Chapter 1351ke You

Her throat twitched slightly

Hayden knew how to capture people’s hearts

If there was such a day

She might have really fallen in love with him

Laurel got up and left

She walked out of the room

Hayden looked towards the direction of the door

His face looked very unpleasant

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He asked her to make a choice. Did she really choose to leave

She didn’t realize, was he just trying to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor


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