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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Hayden Tends to Laurel’s Wound 

After Laurel had arranged Fiona’s way out, she returned to the room with Hayden

They returned to the room

Laurel couldn’t pretend anymore

She lay on Hayden’s bed and said to him, Go find a servant to help me check the whip marks on my back. Your father was really harsh.” 

Do you know the pain now?Hayden walked up to her

His tone was clearly mocking

Laurel rarely paid attention to him

She only wanted to treat the whip marks on her back now

Hayden didn’t say much

He turned around and left

Laurel thought Hayden had gone to find the maid and didn’t 

ask further

After a while, Laurel felt someone taking off her clothes

She turned around

I turned around and saw Hayden

What are you doingah!Laurel exclaimed, pulling on the 

Chapter 16 Hayden Tends to Laurel’s Wound 


whip scar on her back in excitement. She was in so much pain that tears streamed down her face

Hayden looked at Laurel’s appearance. He furrowed his brow and spoke with a serious tone, Don’t move.” 

If Laurel didn’t move, he would take off her clothes

I asked you to call the servant to help me with the wound, not youLaurel felt that one day she would be infuriated by Hayden

Hayden didn’t listen to Laurel at all. He picked up the scissors and intended to cut off her bloodstained clothes on her back


You move again, and I’ll cut into your flesh,” Hayden said, deliberately showing her the shiny pair of scissors

Laurel gritted her teeth

Laurel had no choice

She thought to herself, Just wait and see.” 

Laurel endured her anger

Then I felt a slight chill on my back

She didn’t need to think to know that her clothes had been cut open by Hayden

Laurel’s face turned slightly red

She constantly comforted herself in her heart that it didn’t 



Chapter Hayden Wound 

But Hayden kept staring at his back

11 310 Mouchers 

After Hayden cut open the clothes, he didn’t do anything. Laurel only felt a scorching gaze staring at her back

Hayden!Laurel was really getting angry again

She had never lost control before meeting Hayden

Even when stabbed to death by Bruno, she just endured it crazily

But after meeting Hayden, she remained out of control

Does it hurt?Hayden suddenly asked her

Hayden’s greetings and her irritable voice formed a stark 


His voice was warm, deep, magnetic, and even carried a hint 

of tenderness

Laurel had a volatile temper

She was originally very angry, but at this moment, she, suddenly became quiet

She bit her lip and answered, A littleum.” 

Laurel’s heart skipped a beat

She felt Hayden’s soft lips gently kissing her back

He planted a deep kiss on the spot closest to her wound

Laurel’s face turned red

At this moment, it was not just the face that turned red


Chapter 16 Hayden Tends to Laurel’s wround 

Her ears, neck, and whole body turned red… 

Suddenly, Laurel looked like a cooked crab

It looked like a helpless lamb waiting to be slaughtered

Hayden’s lips parted from her back

The moment I left, I saw Laurel’s blushing body…. 

213 Mouchers 

He couldn’t help but laugh, with a smile that was ambiguous and seemed to carry a hint of helplessness

He reached out and unfastened Laurel’s bra

UmLaurel’s body was visibly tense

Ms. Lambert, rest assured, I wouldn’t take advantage of someone’s vulnerability,” Hayden chuckled, clearly teasing, Even if I wanted to do something, I would wait until you’re feeling better.” 

You stinky hooligan

Laurel cursed silently to herself

At that moment, Hayden had also focused all his attention on the bloodcurdling whip mark on Laurel’s fair back

He had suffered once

That kind of pain is still fresh in my memory

Laurel, however, recklessly went on to endure it herself

Although he knew her purpose for doing so, he still felt. heartbroken

Chat Hayden Tends to Laurels wound 

Hayden took out a medical cotton swab and dipped it in iodine

He said to her whip wounds, Bear with it.” 

He had just finished speaking, and Laurel felt a tearing pain. She trembled unconsciously

But at that moment, Laurel only clenched her lips tightly and didn’t make a sound

Hayden knew very well that she was in pain

So his actions were extremely gentle. She slowly and gently helped her with the disinfection

In the room, it suddenly became very quiet

Laurel was sweating profusely

Hayden was so afraid of hurting her that he was extremely cautious and ended up sweating profusely

Time passed slowly

Hayden disinfected Laurel’s wound. Then he applied a specialized ointment onto Laurel’s back

CoolLaurel couldn’t help but exclaim

When applying the ointment, it didn’t hurt as much. However, the ointment felt cool when applied to the back

Goosebumps started to appear on her back

It will be fine in a moment,Hayden said gently

Chapter 6 Hayden Tends to Laum’s Wound 

228 Wouchers 

His comfort made her feel a hint of warmth throughout her body

At that moment, Laurel felt a warm big hand gently stroking 

her back

Hayden!Laurel gritted her teeth

Was Hayden taking advantage of him

I was afraid you would catch a cold. I warmed you up.” 


If it weren’t for the fear of aggravating her back injury, Laurel might have actually jumped up and fought Hayden


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