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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 124

Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 124 – “You’re absolutely positive?” I asked both dad and grandma, who were locked in a staring match that was now going on two minutes.

“She never brought Lola to your cottage?”‘ Dad’s lips fell, and everything inside of me regretted bringing this up.

From her leaving him years after having Sean, to returning with me in her arms and a shadow hovering over her shoulder. They had been through more than most mated couples, and somehow managed to make it work up until her d***h. Uncovering her secrets felt like peeling back the layers of my memories until the woman who had raised me was almost unrecognizable.

“No, not once.” Grandma replied. She and mom had never gotten along, and it was mom’s refusal to let us see her that drove a wedge in between her and I. Dating Tyler only wedged that chasm open even more.

“How old was I when she took me? When she came back, did she act any different? Did I act any different?”

“Your mom seemed happy… a lot more relaxed than when she left with you. We talked things out about Sean, and even asked him what he wanted us to do.” It took him a minute to think. By the time he spoke, I was so lost in thought I had nearly missed the sound of his voice. It had faded into the background along with the rundown of tonight’s football game told by the announcers. “Also, I’d say you were about nine or ten. I remember you were sleeping when she brought you home. Slept all night and all day too. She said you were tired from playing and staying up late, but I guess that wasn’t the case.”

“Nine or ten? If I was that old, how come I have no memory of it? I don’t even remember her and I going on a trip like that.”

“If she knew a witch that could preform a binding spell, isn’t it possible they also altered your memory?”‘ Grandma suggested, her voice kind even though there was no gentle way to say it.

Another problem that needed solving, only this solution required me uncovering memories that could’ve been scrubbed from my head by the same magic that put my powers in a choke hold.

“I’ll talk to Rowena and Cordelia about it tomorrow. I’m still training with them, even though I can’t actually use my magic.”

As Asher drove the two of us home, I wracked my memories for anything that seemed out of place. Even though I had come up short a dozen times, it kept me distracted from the pangs of guilt in my chest. I’m sure none of us were going to get a good night’s sleep, least of all dad.

“She found someone to bind my magic, and never once thought to tell me about any of this.” I scoffed, “Does it make me a bad person to wish she was alive just so I could ask what the h**l she was thinking?”

The sound of frustration I made was muffled by Asher’s chest as he wound his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I was enveloped by him and silky blanket that covered us, lulled by his scent and the sparks of the mate-bond. I should’ve been knocked out and drooling but my mind refused to shut down.

It was the first time I had admitted any of this aloud. I never usually had a tough time talking about my emotions, but my mom was a sore subject. I missed her desperately, but I was also so furious I could spit fire. What I needed was one of our old screaming matches, where I’d shout from down the hall-doing everything I could to grate on her nerves and goad her into fighting back. I’d give up and slam my bedroom door, knowing it was one of her pet peeves.

There weren’t only bad memories of my mom and me. Countless trips to the aquarium and zoo, where at the end of the day my cheeks would ache from laughing so much. Sleepovers where she’d drag out her makeup bag and show me all the little powders and brushes until we were both covered in splotches of color.

“You have every right to be angry with her. She’s your mom and you love her, but she kept two thirds of your heritage from you.” Asher wasn’t one to talk about his emotions, so it always surprised me how insightful he could be. Listening to the steady thud of his heart against his ribcage, I opened myself up to what he was saying and felt some of that rage subside. “To play devils advocate, have you ever thought she might’ve planned on telling you at some point if she hadn’t been k****d?”

“Ugh, tell me something that’ll make me happy.” I sighed into his chest and smiled softly when he shuddered from the feel of my nails skating down his abdomen.

Asher thought for half a second and replied, “it’s been twenty-four hours since we’ve last seen my brother.”

“Now that’s a happy thought.”


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