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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 13

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 13 – “You thought I was going to fk you?” Alpha Asher’s rough voice was questioning as he looked down at me. “Only good girls get fked, Lola.”

Something flashing in the depths of his eyes made me gulp. If he wasn’t going to f**k me, what did he have planned?

Alpha Asher grabbed the belt that bound my hands, yanking roughly as he pulled me over to his office chair. The belt pinched my wrists, and I bit back a whimper that threatened to escape my lips.

Alpha Asher sat down in his chair, pulling me until I stood in front of him.

“Remove your pants.” Alpha Asher’s honey gaze was flecked with black, his voice even and calm.

My stomach lurched and a warm heat flooded my face.

“Is he serious?” Maya hissed.

I clenched my legs together, trying to hide the obvious smell of my arousal. Something about Alpha Asher taking charge, allowing the most primal part of him to show, was incredibly seductive. Nonetheless, I placed a defiant stare on my face. While excitement and allure churned in my gut, I refused to be thrown around without putting up a fight. Alpha Asher wanted obedience, he would soon learn that his punishments encouraged the opposite.

“I will not ask you again, Lola.” Alpha Asher’s voice had turned deadly, a low growl lingering in his words.

Another annoying pang of excitement ran through me. Defiance had come naturally for me, and I relished in my independence. Once I had learned to truly defend myself, the submissive and quiet part of me had died.

I clamped my teeth down on my lip, a habit I had formed over the years. Alpha Asher’s reaction was near instantaneous. His eyes had darkened and flickered down to my lip.

“Stop that.” Alpha Asher snapped, sending another rush of excitement through me.

I let my eyes grow wide, a picture perfect look of innocence clouding my features. I looked down at Alpha Asher and batted my eyes.

“Stop what, Asher?” I gaped innocently, running my teeth across my soft lip.

A low snarl sounded from Alpha Asher’s chest as he grabbed the belt that bound my hands and yanked me forward.

“You just had to call him Asher.” Maya grumbled and rolled her eyes.

I grinned innocently, “Oops?”

I stumbled forward and my bound hands connected with Alpha Asher’s chest. I was extremely aware of how hard his chest felt beneath my hands.

“Let go of me.” I growled, my core clenching as Alpha Asher gabbed fist fulls of my shorts.

“You should’ve thought about that earlier, Lola.” Alpha Asher glowered at me, his jaw taut.

A yelp of surprise left my lips as Alpha Asher ripped my shorts from my body, dropping them to the floor. He moved faster than I thought possible, yanking the belt and throwing me over his lap.

I was silently thankful I chose underwear that provided some form of coverage. I had my cheeky black underwear on, and squirmed as I was draped across Alpha Asher’s lap. My bottom was in the air, and I felt mildly self conscious over that fact.

As defiant as ever, I wondered what the h**l he was going to do. A simple spanking couldn’t possibly be considered an actual punishment.

“Stop moving.” Alpha Asher snarled, his darkened eyes blazing. His fingers were intertwined in my hair, yanking my head back so I locked eyes with him. His hand yanked the hair tie from my head, letting my raven locks fan over my shoulder.

My arms were pulled forward as Alpha Asher hooked his belt to the side of the chair, keeping me locked in place. A familiar pressure began building in between my legs at the thought of him touching my b**e bottom.

I opened my mouth to speak, to let out some snide remark when a sharp sting ran through my backside. A yelp of shock left my lips instead.

“What was that, Lola?” Alpha Asher mused, his voice low and husky as I recovered from the slap to my backside.

I could see Asher’s hand lift and slam down again, causing another yelp to leave my lips.

Three smacks later, the yelps of pain were turning into something new. As the lump beneath my stomach grew, the pain began mixing with pleasure. It was er*tic to know Asher was getting off on spanking me. Whether he admitted it or not, he wanted my disobedience. He wanted a reason to punish me, to exert dominance over me.

The heat pooling in between my legs was almost unbearable, an itch that was begging to be scratched. The scent of my arousal was thick in the air, as was the stinging slap of flesh against flesh.

“Please-” The word left my lip in a whisper, my resolve finally cracking. My body ached under his touch, and it needed more than just a simple taste.

“Use your words, Lola.” Alpha Asher’s voice was rough and husky, only encouraging the wetness between my thighs. “What do you want?”

“I want you-” I ground my teeth together as another slap hit my backside. The words were right there, on the cusp of my lips. They were begging to be spoken, and yet I wanted to keep them to myself. “I want- more.”

Alpha Asher’s bulge was pressing painfully against my stomach, sending heat rushing to my core. His body was responding to my own, wanting the same as I.

I felt Asher’s fingers tangle in my loose hair, yanking my head back so I could look into his face.

The ghost of a smirk formed on his chiseled face, while victory gleamed in his eyes. A frustrated whimper nearly left my lips when the belt around my wrists was removed.

“Have you learned your lesson, Lola?” Alpha Asher’s voice was hard, his face an emotionless mask that left me confused.


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