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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 15

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 15 – Once my fist connected with Chelsea’s face, it was as though the anger had completely drained from my body. I was left standing there gaping like a fool. While I didn’t regret my actions, I never had the guts to follow through on them before.

Breyona was standing just a few feet away, her jaw dropping as she looked at Chelsea.

My bad luck continued when Alpha Asher turned the corner as well. I clamped my jaw shut as Chelsea began wailing at the sight of Alpha Asher.

I hadn’t even hit her that hard. Just hard enough to leave a solid bruise on her face. Not nearly hard enough to break skin or blacken an eye. Yet she still whimpered and whined as if I had tried to m****r her.

“Alpha!” Chelsea whined, “Lola just attacked me out of no where!”

Alpha Asher’s face was cold, and his eyes glanced between the two of us. Something burned in the back of his gaze when he locked eyes with me, and I fought to keep the smirk from forming on my face.

“Is that true, Lola?” Asher turned his hard gaze on me, the corner of his lip twitching suspiciously.

“Say no.” Maya hissed.

Once again, my big mouth got me into trouble.

“If you consider a punch to the face an a****k, then yes.” I stared at him deadpan, “I attacked her ever so viciously.”

“Lola, do you enjoy being alive?” Maya growled under her breath.

“Quite so.” I snipped sarcastically, “Why do you ask?”

“Really?” Maya rolled her eyes, “Then why do you insist on trying to get us k****d.”

“Y’know, you’re awfully negative.” I snickered at my temperamental wolf.

“Shut up, Lola.” Maya sighed, shaking her head.

Within seconds Asher had his hand clamped around my forearm, tight enough to cause pain.

“See you at 9.” I called out to a stunned Breyona over my shoulder.

Alpha Asher’s pace was fast as he dragged me along with him. My feet stumbled and tripped to keep up.

Alpha Asher took me around to the front of the house, storming around to the forest line with my arm in his grip.

Confusion washed over me as he passed the pack house. Where the h**l was he planning on taking me?

Alpha Asher stormed into the woods, only going a few feet in until I was slammed against a tree.

“See, Lola.” Maya huffed, “He’s taken us out into the woods so he can k**l us in peace.”

“Really?” I rolled my eyes, “He’s the Alpha, he can k**l us wherever he wants. You really need to stop being so dramatic.”

“It’s called self preservation, Lola.” Maya snapped, “You could use some.”

“Do you have no control over yourself, Lola?” Alpha Asher’s voice was deadly calm as he backed me up against the tree.

I ground my teeth together, determined to control my body as much as I could. I was tired of my body responding under Alpha Asher’s touch. My jealousy was a stable pit of fire in my stomach, giving me the strength to try and control my arousal.

“I have plenty control, Alpha.” I gritted my teeth and spat my reply.

Alpha Asher’s honey colored eyes were growing darker, “Care to explain why you attacked Chelsea?”

Some kind of f**ked up amusement was flickering in the back of his gaze. Was he actually enjoying all of this?

“Chelsea’s had that coming for a long time.” I snapped, extremely aware of the close proximity between Alpha Asher and I.

I could feel his t-shirt brushing against my own, and the smell of him was intoxicating. A deep woodsy cologne mixed with male sweat floated around me.

“What happened to being a good girl, Lola?” Each word was spoken slowly, his voice dropping into a husky growl once he spoke my name.

Alpha Asher’s towering form leaned over me, and I couldn’t help but notice how his face inched closer to my own.

“I tried, but it was just too hard.” I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout, letting my eyes widen as I looked up at Alpha Asher.

A deep snarl left Alpha Asher’s mouth as he slammed me against the tree again. His rough hand came up to grab my face. His touch wasn’t hard enough to bring pain, but there would be no escaping his grasp.

I could feel my own willpower weaken as his rough thumb ran across my lower lip. The sensitive spot between my legs instantly began to dampen under his touch. I could see somewhere in the back of his eyes, his willpower was crumbling. The lump in his pants I had felt in the past was proof to the fact that he wanted me.

My body reacted on it’s own under his touch. My tongue darted from my mouth, flicking against this thumb slowly.

His thumb dipped past my parted lips, and I flicked my tongue against it hungrilly.

Just when I thought something more was going to happen, his eyes clouded over. I cursed the stupid mind-link. My body was screaming for him. He ignited a fire within me that only he could put out. Whenever Asher touched me, any thoughts of my vginity flew out the window. I knew sooner or later, he would be the one to steal my vginity. My body refused to give it to anyone else.

Once the fog cleared from Asher’s eyes, he removed his hand from my face and took a few steps back. My chest was rising and falling heavily, while desire still lingered in my eyes.

“This will be the last time you defy me, Lola.” Alpha Asher’s voice was low and rough as he turned away from me.

“Don’t count on it.” My words sounded breathless, but the fire that fueled my defiance was still roaring.

Alpha Asher stopped in his tracks, “I will contact you once I’ve thought out a suitable punishment for your a****k on Chelsea.”

Without another word, Alpha Asher turned and took off back to the pack house.

I used the walk back home to clear my scattered mind. For whatever reason, I wanted Alpha Asher in a way I hadn’t wanted another male. Every time I found myself alone with him, my willpower crumbled as though it had never been there to begin with. I couldn’t find the strength any longer to resist the intoxicating pull I felt towards him.

I opened the front door to the house silently, hearing my Grandma and Dad’s hushed voices in the kitchen. They hadn’t notice me come in.


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