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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 193

Read Alpha Asher by Jane Doe Chapter 193

It took Asher some convincing to leave the holding cell. The last thing he wanted to do was have another episode and wind up hurting somebody. The two of us planned on speaking to Cordelia and Rowena together.

I’d bite the bullet and give Cordelia her spell book back, while also apologizing for stealing it, even if it had been unintentionally, and Asher would have Rowena check him over a second time for any hint of magic or spell work.

We had a few hours to k**l considering Rowena was currently with Holly for their training session, which gave me plenty of time to swing by the house to grab the spell book and to do something that returned just a shred of normalcy to my life.

It had been days since I’d last stepped foot in a training class, and I was honestly beginning to miss sparring and testing out my skills. There was a comfort with training one couldn’t get in the real world. I didn’t have to think about losing my life on the mats, or whether or not my opponent was out to k**l me. Plus, it gave me the perfect opportunity to check up on Cassidy, who had been blowing my phone up since Tristan and I slipped out of the pack’s boundary lines.

Asher dropped me off at training and went to see his parents. They were freaking out, and rightfully so, over everything that had happened to the two of us. It didn’t help that Brandon had been the one to tell them, and undoubtedly added his own embellishments to the story, which was a mess Asher was eager to clear up.

When I plopped down beside Cassidy, I thought my eardrums might burst with how loudly she squealed.

“Lola! Thank the Goddess you’re alright.” She exclaimed, slapping a hand against her sports-bra covered chest. She blinked rapidly, her baby blues bright with relief. Lowering her voice, even though all eyes and ears were turned our way, she murmured quietly. “I was debating organizing a rescue team to go after you. Spearheaded by me, of course.”

I laughed at her dramatics, already settling into the illusion of the routine I’d once had.

“It’s a good thing you didn’t. Things were chaotic and dangerous for awhile there, for Asher too, unfortunately. We’re both safe and sound, though.”

Cassidy glanced around the room almost warily, skewering all of the eavesdroppers with a cold look that had them turning back to their own conversations. She chewed on her lower lip, her nervousness bleeding through her every move. I went to put my hair into a ponytail but found I didn’t have a hair tie. As many fights as I end up getting into, you’d think I’d have one on me constantly.

“For now though, right? Everyone’s been talking about it…you know, Asher’s victory. Tensions are rising, and I’m not talking about just inside the pack.” She whispered, “Bringing another pack into the fold, especially one that tried to stand against us, might put us all in more danger.”

“Asher wouldn’t do anything to put the people here in harms way, but he’s also going to do his duty to Bran’s former pack and take care of them, as well. Like the humans say, things get worse before they get better.” I sighed, gratefully accepting the hair tie Cassidy offered. Once my hair was out of the way and no longer tumbling down my back, I began stretching.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Cassidy asked, mirroring my movements, and bending to the side to touch her left foot.

We held the stretch for a few seconds before switching legs. I paused, thinking for a moment before responding.

“Right now all I want is a bit of normalcy. I know it’s silly, and things are far from okay, but I keep feeling like the world is just tilting under my feet and I’m fighting to stay upright. I just need a small break, even if it’s just for a couple hours.”

It was Cassidy’s turn to go quiet, and she stayed that way up until Emilia waltzed into the room. When the trainer took her position at the front of the classroom, Cassidy chirped excitedly. “Oh, I have the best idea! We should do a sleepover cookout!”

Emilia had us all split into groups and begin sparring, which meant Cassidy and l were paired together. We circled one another, not yet throwing any jabs even though some of the other groups had viciously launched into their own attacks.

I lifted an eyebrow at her, taken off guard. “You think so?”

She scoffed at me, swatting my shoulder playfully. Her golden ponytail swayed as she danced on the b***s of her feet. “You’ve never been to an event hosted by yours truly, have some faith! Are you free tonight, by chance?”

Shrugging, I said. “Unless something else horrible happens, which I’m praying it doesn’t, I’m free.”

“Awesome!” She beamed, punching the air. “You invite whoever’s coming and I’ll handle everything else. Oh, and the sleepover portion is no guys allowed, so relay the information to your mate.” She snickered, then shifted into a fighting stance.

“Alright, a sleepover cook out it is.” I nodded, a smile of my own forming as I mirrored her stance and plotted my first line of attack.

After training had finished and every ounce of anxiety had been beaten and forced from my body, I was pulled aside by Emilia. Cassidy waved goodbye and shouted a reminder that I needed to invite everyone for the cookout tonight, along with a heads up that she was going to drop by my place to set things up in just a couple hours. I didn’t miss the lingering glance she tossed Emilia’s way or how the fearless trainer returned it without flinching.


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