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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 207

Chapter 207

“S**t.” I cursed.

Breyona’s sharp gaze softened. She pursed her lips and murmured, “You didn’t even realize you did it, did you?”

“No.” It came out as a whisper. “I didn’t.”

“She wants to k**l that one since her twin got away. Brandon actually ran into the fire witch on his way here. He’s got a nasty b**n on his shoulder to prove it.” Breyona pointed out, her eyes still on the mess ahead.

“Well, lets go intervene. Shall we?”

Turns out, there wasn’t much I had to do to turn Dina’s attention away from Tessa. My mere presence was enough to have her hackles raising and lips pulling back to show rows of sharp teeth. Breyona situated herself in front of me, standing off to the side incase I needed her. Standing a healthy distance away, keeping a firm watch on Tessa, was Clara, Mason, Sean, along with a mixture of Vampire’s and warriors.

“Dina…” I said in greeting. “You look good.”

Breyona snorted but covered it up with a well-placed cough.

“She’s uh, she’s trying to mind-link you, but since you’ve got all that silver in your back, it’s not going through.” She explained, her eyes flitting between me and the angry wolf.

“Then it’s a good thing I have this…” Tristan’s voice materialized just a few feet away.

Perhaps he’d been there the entire time, but the loss of blood made it hard to pay attention. I let out a groan of pure, untethered relief when he passed me a blood bag. Each gulp cascaded down my throat and soothed the raging case of dry mouth I had. It also chased away the aches and pains weighing me down, worsening the exhaustion that made me want to crawl into bed and take a long nap.

I hadn’t even realized he’d moved around to examine my wounds until he spoke a second time.

“You just can’t stay out of trouble, can you?” He cursed, his touches feather light.

“She’s always been like that, even back when she was just a wolf.” Breyona smirked.

Tristan snorted, but then turned and spoke to Dina.

“Think you can refrain from k*****g the witch until I get these arrows out of Lola’s back?” He grunted.

Dina gave him a loud, wet snarl as a reply.

“How considerate of you.” He deadpanned.

I barely felt it as he peeled away the back of my shirt, even more so when Giovanni showed up with even more blood. The click of the switchblade Tristan used was drowned out by the rush of energy roaring in my ears. What topped the cake was that Giovanni had news of Asher, and for once it wasn’t bad.

“He’s on his way with Zeke, Deacon, and Brandon. They’re gathering the d**d to be b****d and making sure all the fires in town are put out.” Giovanni explained, his expression perpetually pinched considering his mate was butt n***d roaming around in her human form.

I couldn’t help it, not when he narrowed his eyes and glared at every male within a mile radius.

“You get used to it.” I promised him, my lips tilting in a half-smile.

He grimaced; his eyes locked on my best-friends a*s.

“I somehow doubt that.”

With the blood and a little bit of magic to speed things along the wounds on my back healed up rather nicely. After the torture I went through with the Shadows removing the dark magic from my system, I wasn’t sure I’d ever react to physical pain the same again.

The moment the last wound healed; Dina’s voice exploded in my head over mind-link.

‘You did this, didn’t you? Don’t even bother lyin’ to me, your Majesty. Or should I kneel and call you Luna like everyone else? You turned me into a f*****g wolf.’ She snarled, her fur bristling.

I didn’t deny it because what was the point? No one else could’ve done it.

‘I swear, I didn’t mean to. It was a stray thought I didn’t even give any importance to. I have no clue why this happened.’ I explained honestly, knowing it likely wouldn’t make a difference.

Most Vampire’s hated Werewolves, and I didn’t expect that to change over night. It made Dina’s reaction understandable given she was one of the many that didn’t care for them.

‘When I get done killin’ this witch, I’m coming for you. Tell that to your little Vampire bodyguards.’ Her eyes flashed murderously.

Not thinking, I took a step towards her. She swung her head around and snarled, snapping her teeth threateningly. Breyona inched further in front of me, sinking into a defensive position that would only make things worse. I didn’t want to imagine the carnage of a fight between them two.

‘I don’t think it’s a good idea to k**l Tessa, Dina.’ I warned her. ‘I’m willing to bet she has useful information on what’s going on.’

‘Information for you. I happen to care less about what she knows or don’t know. Her twin k****d my mate, and I will not let that stand.’ She replied without looking at me, already padding forward to slowly stalk Tessa.

‘Sean, Mason—get everyone away from her. She’s newly shifted and I don’t want her hurting anyone.’ I said via mind-link, only partially relieved when they pulled Clara and the others out of the way.


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