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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 48

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 48 – Alpha Asher was beyond pissed, but I couldn’t blame him.

Maya was right after all, maybe I did need a stern talking to. I had gotten myself into this problem, and now I needed to get my way out. No one else could step in and help me, something I had gotten much too used to in my short time back.

Anytime I had been in a serious problem, someone always stepped in. Breyona stepped in when Tristan marked me the first time, and my a*s was saved last night at the swimming hole.

Alpha Bran practically glowed with excitement, acting as though he had already won. Alpha Asher had to send him from the room, out of fear he’d m****r the cocky Alpha.

Alpha Asher pulled me into the kitchen, his eyes glowing murderously.

“Were training in private tomorrow.” Alpha Asher snapped, stalking towards me.

“We are?” My tone sounded unsure, the blush rushing to my cheeks at the possibilities.

“Tomorrow we will train—only train.” Alpha Asher snarled, backing me against the counter. “If you win—you’ll be punished. If you lose, I’ll k**l Alpha Bran and take his pack as my own. Afterwards, you will be punished.”

“So either way, I get punished.” I sighed.

‘You can’t blame him for being pissed.’ Maya shrugged.

‘You’re right, I can’t.” I frowned.

‘Woah.’ Maya gasped dramatically, ‘You’re—you’re actually admitting I’m right.’

‘Don’t get used to it.’ I mumbled.

“Yes, either way you get punished.” Alpha Asher growled, “Are you incapable of behaving? Is it physically impossible for you?”

I frowned at Alpha Asher. For once I felt guilty getting myself into trouble. It was fun most of the time, but he was right. I needed to learn some self control. I couldn’t go around doing and saying whatever I wanted, especially not around other Alpha’s.

“I’m trying.” I sighed, closing my eyes against the headache that was forming. “I need to try harder—I will try harder.”

Alpha Asher’s eyes softened in the slightest, but anger was still present in his gaze. He felt my sincerity, and knew I meant what I said.

Everyone has their own issues in life—their own f***l flaw. I suppose mine would be my pride. I don’t listen to advice or the words of others, solely doing as I pleased.

“You are going to beat him, Lola.” Alpha Asher murmured, his dark eyes burning into my own. “We will make sure of it.”

Alpha Asher’s hand lifted, trailing the length of my face. His eyes followed his hand, roaming over my creamy skin. The touch was intimate, much more intimate than I was used to.

s*x and arousal was constant with Alpha Asher, but never anything more. I hadn’t felt a romantic attachment to him before, but this touch was the start of it. It opened the doors, making me realize how much he had done for me.

He moved me into the packhouse, an attempt to keep me safe. He leaped from bed in the middle of the night to track me down at the swimming hole. These weren’t things he’s done for others in the pack, just me. The thought made me blush harder, conflicting emotions churning in my gut.

We walked back out into the living room, and I tried to calm the blush on my face. If I walked out with a red face, everyone would make their own assumptions on what happened. For once, nothing s*xual was done.

I must’ve calmed myself down because no suspicious or knowing looks were shot our way.

Alpha Zeke burst into laughter, clutching his sides as Alpha Asher gave him an irritated look. Alpha Asher waited silently until Alpha Zeke’s laughing died down. Luna Freya gave Alpha Zeke a tired look, her eyes turning to my own.

“Goddess.” Alpha Zeke chuckled, “You got yourself a wild one there. I hope my mate’s like that when I find her.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly slammed it shut.

‘That’s it Lola.’ Maya nodded, ‘First lesson, think before you speak.’

‘Hush.’ I mumbled, but took her advice begrudgingly.

Should I really oppose being called Alpha Asher’s mate? My heart said no, and my body agreed. It didn’t feel bad being called his mate, and he certainly wasn’t speaking up about it. He simply dismissed what Alpha Zeke said with an irritated scowl, which could mean a million different things.

“Unfortunately, I think I’ve gotten myself into too much trouble.” I grinned sheepishly, shooting Alpha Asher an apologetic look.

“Nah.” Alpha Zeke scoffed, “I’ve seen him fight, he’s not that great.”

‘Not that great.’ Maya scoffed, ‘That’s easy for an Alpha to say.’

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