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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 63

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 63 – Alpha Asher insisted on keeping our group small, wanting us to blend in with the mix of human, werewolf, and vampire’s. I insisted on bringing along Mason and Breyona. The two of them could hold their own, and I trusted each with my life. I couldn’t think of two werewolves better suited to help us out.

While Alpha Asher preferred, I stay behind, he left the choice in my own hands. I’m sure he figured I’d sneak out regardless and find a way to accompany them. It was only vacant rumor whispered from ear to ear that depicted Sean as one of the many fighters participating tomorrow night, but it was a chance. It was the first we had heard of Sean’s whereabouts, and I was willing to take the risk.

“I’m meeting up with the two of them tomorrow.” I informed Alpha Asher, “I’ll make sure their ready.”

I could see the worry in Alpha Asher’s eyes as the two of us slid into bed. I could feel his worry as it mirrored my own. Would I be visiting my Father again tonight? It was clear Alpha Asher was used to dealing with threats through brute strength and his claim as an Alpha. He had never encountered an enemy he couldn’t touch, and was powerless to stop my Father from pulling me close again. I said nothing as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his large chest. While my stomach fluttered at the intimate position we were laying in, I gave into his warmth and the intoxicating swirl of his scent.

I had slept peacefully last night, not a single dream lingering in my mind. When I finally peeled my eyes open and winced at harsh sunlight, Alpha Asher was already dressed and ready to leave.

His eyes lingered on my porcelain skin, his eyes burning over every dip and curve of my body. I had long ago stopped trying to wear clothes in his bedroom. Alpha Asher was a man of his word, not once allowing me to sleep with any form of clothes on.

“Be here at six in the afternoon, no later.” Alpha Asher grunted, peeling his dark eyes away from my body. “I wouldn’t tell your Dad where were going just yet, wouldn’t want to get his hopes up.”

“The minute I tell him were leaving, he’s going to know what’s going on.” I snorted, pulling on a pair of jeans and a dark blouse.

“Then don’t tell him you’re leaving.” Alpha Asher’s dark eyebrow lifted, his eyes roaming my face questioningly.

“My Grandma will know, she always does.” I shrugged, “But I’ll do what I can.”

I told Alpha Asher about the books Breyona had found in her Mom’s library, and how they might give more information on our situation. Alpha Asher almost seemed eager when I told him there could be information on removing the scarlet mark from my skin.

“The three of you can skip training.” Alpha Asher grunted, his honey eyes flashing as they looked into my own.

Ten minutes after texting Breyona, her car rolled into the large drive way. Mason was already seated in the back, his hazel eyes perking up as I walked from the house.

“You seem excited to read some old, musty books.” I chuckled, flashing Mason a smirk.

Mason rolled his eyes, brushing his sandy hair away from his face.

“More like he’s excited to potentially get me k****d.” Breyona snorted, “Let’s make this as quick as possible.”

The three of us headed back to Breyona’s house, quiet as we opened the front door. I could feel Breyona’s anxiety like a thick cloak wrapped around her. I was unaware her Mom had a safe full of books but judging from Breyona’s aloof demeanor, her Mom was quite serious about the books locked away.

Instead of taking our usual place in the living room, the two of us followed Breyona down one of the hallways in her home.

“They lock the library.” Breyona snorted, digging through the drawers in her parents’ bedroom.

A dull pain throbbed in my chest as my eyes roamed the framed photo’s sitting on her parent’s dresser. Each photo held some part of their lives. One was a wedding photo, Breyona’s Mom and Dad gazing lovingly at one another. The sight poked and scraped at the hole that had formed in my chest at my own Mom’s d***h. When I had first come back home, I was hellbent on ignoring the pain. Even now, I felt incapable of dealing with the loss. With everything that’s been going on, it had been easy to block out the dull ache.

I had never been close with my Mom, never had the relationship her and Sean had but she still held a place in my heart. The two of us could never see eye to eye and would constantly argue. Learning about my Vampire side gave me a better understanding of my Mom. For whatever reason, her mate had been the Vampire King. Her one time slip up resulted in me, a half-breed. Yet she had remained strong for so long, resisting the pull of her deadly mate.

“You have a library in your house?” Mason snorted, as though he were surprised.

“You’re really surprised?” Breyona turned, c**king an eyebrow at a smirking Mason.

“I guess I shouldn’t be.” Mason chuckled, “They lock the library? What if you wanted to go in?”

“They know I hate stepping foot in their library.” Breyona shook her head, a grin on her face as she pulled a small silver key from one of the drawers. “History books make my brain go numb. I prefer the wonderful world of fiction.”

Breyona led us down the hall to a set of dark double doors. Her parent’s library smelled of crisp leather, fresh air, and a whole lot of dust. Each and every book lining the ceiling high shelves looked old and worn. I wasn’t sure there was a new book in this entire library. While the bindings on some were holding strong, others looked as though they might burst at any moment. I half expected some of the books to disintegrate, spewing and scattering pages along the floor.

Dark leather furniture sat in the middle of the room, in the center of the looming book shelves. Mason and I plopped down on the dark leather sofa, my eyes trailing the library around us. I felt as though I were sitting in the center of a tornado, a swirl of books surrounding us. Breyona gave us an each a tentative glance and headed over to the far wall. In between book shelves, a large painting hung on the wall. I found myself wanting to laugh at Breyona’s parents for their obvious hiding place. The painting was of an older man, no doubt a figure from our History. The frame was a thick and gilded gold, looking older than many of the books in this library. Breyona swung the painting to the side, much like you would a normal door. Nestled in the wall behind the painting was a thick silver safe.

“They need a safe like that just to hide some books?” Mason coughed, glancing at the safe with a wary look on his face.

“My parents are paranoid.” Breyona shrugged, “They think the books would get stolen. While they happen to be paranoid, they like to write everything down. I found the code to the safe months ago.”


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