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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 71

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 71 – Lola’s P.o.v

The power of our deal rippled through the air, sending a chilling wave over my body. The wave rippled and cracked, as though it were made of ice. Instead of passing over me, it delved into my skin and sunk deep into my bones.

A heavy shiver wracked my body, my teeth clattering roughly as the cold settled into my bones. Goosebumps erupted across my flesh as the shadows grew still.

The power that rippled over my skin dimmed as the shadows returned to their normal place in the room. Their whip-like voices faded from mind as the shadows lingering around the room stilled.

The cold had not faded from my bones, and I wasn’t sure it would. I felt as though I were in a walk-in freezer, and was surprised when I couldn’t see the puff of hot breath leave my mouth.

“What did you do?” Alpha Asher roared, his voice taking on that of an animal.

I had been frozen in place, rooted to the spot where I had made that cursed deal. I had given into the shadows without trying to find an alternative.

‘He would have died, Lola…’ Maya’s voice was soft, but held the weight of the decision I had made.

“What did you do, Lola?” Alpha Asher snarled, his large hands grasping my arms. “What did you give them?”

Alpha Asher was all that kept me on my feet. His grip was rough, but I was too numb to tell if it was painful.

My eyes dragged over the room slowly, looking at the dozens of Vampires that fell to the floor. None were stirring and yet I could hear each and every breath they took. My eyes locked on Sean, looking much more ragged than what I remembered. His hair had grown and was now sticking up in unruly tufts, dirt and deep bruises stained his face. His shoulders hunched with exhaustion, but his face remained determined.

“We don’t have time for this.” I shook my head, my voice cracking as the weight of my emotions threatened to crush me. “We need to get Sean out; more could come at any minute.”

Carter and Wade leapt into action, thankfully not asking questions as they eyed the twenty-five unconscious Vampire’s that littered the floor. Smoke was still trickling into the back room, thick and suffocating as it sealed us in.

The sprinklers continued spewing water, and I wondered when they would finally run out. Pools of water mixed with the blood on the floor, turning the deep cherry wood an unsettling shade of pink. Water streamed down my face, mixing with the tears that fell from my eyes.

M******r, k****r, monster.

The words flashed through my head; my own inner voice filled with hatred. This was different than self-defense, different than anything I had planned for.

I assumed it would be my life I was giving up, my d***h in exchange for Alpha Asher’s life. I hadn’t asked, hadn’t thought that they could be talking about someone else. Someone innocent was going to d*e, and it was my fault.

Carter and Wade helped Sean stand, using their body weight to hold him upright. Alpha Asher’s eyes were wild as they scanned my face, and I wondered if he could tell I was crying.

“The back door, go out the back door.” Alpha Asher snarled, tearing his eyes away from my own.

Alpha Asher let go of my shoulders and gripped my hand in his. With our hands locked together Alpha Asher and I ran across the room, stepping over the incapacitated Vampire’s. An exit sat at the end of the room on the far wall, the red sign flickering impatiently.

We barreled out the door and into a damp alleyway. Puddles of what were hopefully water sat in large pools, soaking our shoes. The sickly-sweet scent of Vampire’s had faded once we came outside, and was quickly replaced by the smell of wet garbage.

At the end of the alley, a large group of people had formed. Everyone who had been in the club evacuated, crowded around the front of the building.

‘Mason, Breyona, did you both make it out?’ Alpha Asher asked, his hand never once leaving my own.

‘I’m out.’ Breyona breathed, sounding as flu*tered as I felt.

‘Me too.’ Mason chimed in, but my mind was somewhere else. ‘I’m heading to the car.’

‘I think they got the fire under control. A couple Vampire’s just went back inside, get out of there!’ Breyona’s voice came out in a rushed whisper.

‘Circling around front. Be ready, we’ll have to act fast.’ Alpha Asher replied.

Alpha Asher pulled me forward, towing me behind him as we rushed down the alley. We merged into the crowd of people outside, trying to blend in as we headed for the car.

My heart was thundering in my chest, but not from the thought of getting caught. What I had done was still circling my brain, pushing any other thought to the side. If Alpha Asher hadn’t been pulling me along, I might have gotten lost in the crowd. The car was parked far enough from the warehouse to go undetected, but close enough for easy access. My b**e arm grazed against the cold metal of the SUV, but I couldn’t feel it. The icy splinters had embedded themselves in my bones, weighing me down and chilling my blood. The splinters reminded me of my deal, reminded me the cost of Alpha Asher’s life.

Alpha Asher ripped the passenger door open hard enough to tear it off. As though I were little more than a rag doll, he lifted me and placed me in the seat. His hands moved swiftly as they buckled my seatbelt. He was in the driver seat a second later. The SUV roared to life and I swore every Vampire in the club could hear it. My own paranoia and guilt made me on edge, teetering somewhere between shock and denial.

M******r, k****r, monster.

‘Focus on Sean.’ Maya murmured, sensing my inevitable panic. ‘Focus on him for now. We can worry about everything else later.’

Sean sat in the back, pressed between Breyona and Mason. His face was haggard but a strange sense of pride lingered in his eyes. I did what Maya said to do, I placed all of my focus on Sean. While the guilt and h****r of what I had done was placed on the backburner, the icy splinters remained in my bones.

“I’m sorry–” My voice caught in my throat; the thoughts I had forced aside reared their ugly heads. “I didn’t know—we didn’t know what happened to you.”

“You came.” Sean breathed, the sound reminding me of sandpaper. “You came, that’s all that matters.”

Everyone descended into silence, lost in their own thoughts. Alpha Asher’s hand tightened on my own, and I realized he had grabbed my hand the moment he was in the car. His calloused hand around mine was the only thing keeping me together, the only thing keeping me from falling apart.

We swerved down the dark back roads, keeping away from the highway in case anyone had trailed behind us. Each turn and curve set my teeth on edge. I was sure I’d see pairs of glowing eyes through the forest line, an army of Vampire’s to finish what we had started.


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