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Alpha Asher and Lola novel Chapter 73

Read Alpha Asher [by Jane Doe] Chapter 73 – While I was desperate to succ*mb to the darkness, I would have to try again tomorrow night.

For the second time, I stood outside my body and looked down at mine and Alpha Asher’s sleeping forms. A scowl was etched onto my sleeping face, as though I were having a nightmare.

This time around felt different, almost as if I were more tangible than before. My skin no longer had that transparent dream-like hue. Rather than be forced by the Vampire King to visit, I stumbled towards my body. The effort made my legs ache, as it was like walking through quick-sand. Just as my fingers grazed the blanket, I was pulled backwards.

As though it were a dream, the room around me faded and changed into something different. Alpha Asher’s dark walls were replaced with a deep shade of maroon. Black couches dotted the large room, and book shelves lined half of the wall. A four-poster bed covered in black satin and large pillows looked strangely inviting.

Tristan’s muscular form walked out of the bathroom, letting steam ebb into the room. His near-white hair was messy and damp, the water still dripping from his skin. With nothing but a towel around his waist, Tristan strolled out of the bathroom. My eyes trailed the length of his body unwillingly, taking in every dip and curve of his muscles.

His crystalline eyes met my own and widened, his care-free gait stopped as he noticed me standing there. While my heart thundered with equal parts hate and desire, Tristan’s full lips turned up in a smirk.

“Quite the voyeur.” Tristan chuckled, continuing his stroll to what I assumed was his closet.

I clenched my fists at my side, trying to force myself back to my body but nothing seemed to work. If I was in my body, I would’ve had a headache from the effort.

“You’re the one who brought me here.” I rolled my eyes, coming to accept that this wasn’t just a realistic nightmare. “Feel free to send me back.”

“Send you back?” Tristan’s bemused and vivid eyes brightened, showing me a quick flash of his teeth before removing his towel.

With an annoyed hiss, I turned around. I could hear his silky chuckle, knowing I had turned around a second too late. While I wanted to toss the nearest lamp at his head, I couldn’t touch anything without a body.

“I’m not the one who brought you here, beautiful.” Tristan chuckled and I whipped around angrily. His face was the picture of innocence, tainted with the sly smile on his face. “It seems you found your way to me all on your own.”

Wearing nothing but a pair of low-cut sweatpants, he looked like a fallen angel. Beautiful and alluring, but dangerous and corruptive. I knew if Maya were here, she’d talk some sense into my head, telling me not to think that way about Tristan.

“I’m sleeping with Asher right now. Why would I come and see you?” I grimaced, uncaring at how cold my voice sounded.

Despite the small part of me that wanted him, this was one of the Vampire’s responsible for Katie and Kanyon’s d***h, and Seans abduction. No matter how hard, I had to keep myself from falling off the edge.

“As I said, despite what you claim you feel something for me.” Tristan murmured; his smile seductive yet scornful.

Faster than I could process, Tristan was standing just a few feet away from me. Even without my heightened smell, I could easily notice the sandalwood and citrus scent filling the air. Warmth radiated from his body, making me realize how cold I had been this entire time.

“I don’t. I feel nothing for you. How many times do I have to say it?” My voice wavered, an uncomfortable knot twisting in my stomach.

Tristan leaned forward, his lips an inch away from my ear. I couldn’t hide the shiver that went down my spine as his breath fanned against my ear. The amused tone in his voice annoyed me, helping me resist the urge to run my fingers over his b**e skin.

“Sweetheart, let me tell you a secret.” Tristan murmured, letting out a silky chuckle. “The mark wouldn’t have healed if you felt nothing for me.”

Dread and denial punched me in the gut as I tried to ignore what he had said. My throat constricted, fighting against the part of me that knew he was right. It might have been a dull ember in comparison to the explosion I felt with Alpha Asher, but the attraction was there.

“You’re lying.” I shook my head, taking a step away from Tristan and the intoxicating heat his body radiated.

“I’m not lying.” Tristan chuckled lowly, and I swore his bright eyes were growing darker as he took another step towards me. “You know I’m telling the truth, just as I know that you feel something for me.”

“It’s nothing compared to what I feel for Alpha Asher.” I shook my head, my eyes clenched shut as I fought against his stinging words.

“It isn’t, yet.” Tristan murmured, his smooth voice and confident. “You have spent a lot of time with the Alpha. Those feelings are understandable given your–relationship with him.”

He said Alpha as though it were a curse, an insult to what he was. The distaste that filled his eyes vanished, leaving his usual lu*ty and calculated gaze.

Tristan closed the distance between the two of us, his arm wrapping around my waist as his lips slammed down on my own. Revulsion and confusion were my first reactions, but Tristan’s grip was tight around my waist. His touch startled me, as I thought I couldn’t touch anything without my body. His hard body meshed against my own, muscles pressing against soft skin.

I flattened my hands against his chest, shoving roughly as I clamped my lips together. Without Maya by my side, my strength was severely impacted. Tristan held me tightly, as though he couldn’t feel the force beneath my touch. His hands were soft as they drifted up the front of my shirt, grazing the bottom of my bre*st teasingly. An angry growl left my lips as I tried shoving against his chest for the second time. I resisted the sensations he was causing within me, resisted the tingling that formed between my legs.


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