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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 10

  It was close to the afternoon when we arrived at the Crescent Moon Pack. We were greeted by their trackers and warriors right away as we neared their territory. 

  Of course, they sensed the scent of Blake as an Alpha and greeted him with utmost respect vowing to him. He greeted the men and introduced Selene as his luna.

  "Alpha Blake, we have been expecting you. Welcome to our pack. Please if you will follow us, we will direct you to our packhouse. Our alpha is waiting for your arrival." One of the guards spoke.

  "Thank you, gentlemen.  May I present my wife, and luna of The Primords Pack, Selene Landon." He said as he wrapped his arm around Selene, the gesture sending her in a bright blush.

  All men vowed to her without making eye contact of course. They knew quite well to never look a Luna in their eye. The Alpha's were particularly territorial about their luna's. Eyeing their Luna 

  "Alpha Blake, Luna! It is an honor to have you with us. Please, follow us. We will take you directly to our packhouse where the other two packs are waiting." One of the warriors said to Blake as they gestured for the SUV to follow.

  Blake gave the order with a simple hand gesture for his driver to follow them. Although they were in friendly territory,  he never let his guard down. Especially now that Selene was by his side.

  "Stay close, but stay alert." He said to his men using his alpha tone. All men nodded and continued on their way.

  They made their way on the dirty pavement trail, passing endless matured trees and houses that belonged to members of the Crescent moon pack.

  As they neared the packhouse, they could see kids and members of the pack rummage around like any other day. Blake felt the warm friendly atmosphere the Crescent moon offered. 

  They nodded as they passed and vowed as they glanced over at the SUV seeing Blake and Selene inside.

  He looked over, grasping Selene's hand and gripping it tightly. She smiled back at him, she felt so proud of the respectful aura he gave around everyone. 

  The car stopped in front of the packhouse, it was a massive mansion, with three stories high, huge glass windows all around, and shiplap walls in a gray and white tone. It was quite marvelous to look at, but Selene had to admit, their packhouse was much more beautiful. 

  She took pride in the beautiful gardens and flowers Blake had sent to add around the house and all around their territory at her request, making it feel more pleasant and beautiful for all women in her pack.

  For her, the packhouse was not just a large lavish mansion, but her home. One where she hoped to grow old and someday see her own pups run about.

  The vehicle came to a stop in front of the cement-paved corridor. He exited the vehicle, gesturing his men with his hand to stop as he made his way to open her door for himself.

  Blake went over and opened the door for her, offering her hand to step down from the vehicle.

  As she made her way out, they were greeted by the other leaders of the pack, the Crescent moon alpha, and their lunas as well. 

  "Alpha Blake, so good for you to finally join us." Alpha Steward said, 

  "We didn't expect you until later. But I'm glad to see you are prominent and punctual. You arrived early, just like you said." Alpha Stewart said, giving Blake a firm shake.

  Steward was the alpha of the Crescent Moon. By him stood an old friend of Selene, Caleb, her beta in the team she belonged to when working for Colonel Coelhelm. They took a quick glance towards each other and acted as they were strangers meeting for the first time. 

  By their side stood their Luna Macy. She greeted Selene with a tight squeeze. Even though it was their first time meeting, Selene felt at ease with the way they were greeted. She returned the gesture greeting everyone as they met for the first time. Including Caleb. They greeted each other as if it was their first time seeing each other.

  Blake was not fooled never the less, he'd investigated the whole thing without her knowledge. For more reasons, he knew to keep on guard. He had trackers, warriors, and guards set ready to attack at any given time if it was needed.

  "Steward, good to see you again," Blake answered. 

  "I'm so glad you accepted my offer to meet here. It was an honor seeing you at your wedding. I wanted to pay you back for your great hospitality, I hope you find your stay here pleasant and warming." Alpha Stewart responded to Blake.

  Blake nodded, placing his hand on Selene's back. Sending shivers down her spine. She flushed at his touch, his. own hand feeling the eminent spark between the touch of their skin.

  She glanced at him, a smile forming in her gaze as he winked at her. She took a long sigh before reverting her gaze towards Macy.

  Luna Macy looped her arm around Selene, pulling her towards the house. Selene glanced over at Blake. He nodded towards her, letting her know it was ok for her to follow.

  "Blake, do I have to?" Her mind linked him, he chuckled as the two women walked towards the house. Selene looking back towards him.

  "Go on darling. We will join you inside in a minute." His mind linked back at her. She groaned a bit but did as he asked.

  Blake's men got off the vehicles and joined them as the women went inside.

  "Come now Selene, let me show you to your room. I presume you'd like to freshen up? After you do so, I'd love for you to join me to finish preparing for lunch." Luna Macy told Selene.

  "Of course. I'd love to be of help. And thank you for your hospitality. " Selene responded.

  Macy smiled as she made her way up the stairs. She stopped in front of a double-door entrance. 

  She opened the two doors, allowing Selene to enter after her. The whole room had a gold and blush regal decor. Everything is beautifully elegant. 

  Two young men came after them, placing Selene and  Blake's luggage in the entrance.

  "Luna Selene, if there is anything else we can do for you. Please, do not hesitate to ask. We are at your service." One of the young men said as they both vowed to her.

  "Thank you, gentlemen. That would be all for now." Luna Macy excused them.

  "Luna Macy, this is a beautiful room. Thank you for allowing us to stay here for the time being." Selene said.

  "Oh, honey, call me Macy. The whole Luna thing makes me feel so old. Besides, I'm sure we are about the same age, right?" She asked her.

  "I suppose so." Selene smiled.


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