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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 11


  We made our way to the middle of the desert riding in our convoys. 

  Caleb drove, while I sat shotgun. Miranda is in the back of my seat. 

  Jazzy knew I hated sitting with James, so she rode with him in the other convoy, along with other of our group members. 

  Caleb jolted the car to a stop. I looked around, I couldn't smell anything unfamiliar. Just.... humans. 

  Why are we here? There's no sign of any threat or any dangerous creatures....why are we here?

  I got off the convoy, going around to grab my gun and get in position. James came over, showing us the map to the plan Colonel Coelhelm had discussed with him.

  "Alright, everyone around. Now, there's no time to waste." He sneered at everyone. 

  I rolled my eyes as I tightened the harness around my upper body to hold my two extra handguns and flipped the strap to my katana to hold it in place on my back.

  As I grasped my katana, James tried to snatch it away to get my attention. He cut his hand, making a hissing noise as it burned him from the slice it made on his palm.

  "Fuck... Selene... why the fuck are you carrying that shit unsecured? You'll get someone fuckin killed." He yelled.

  "First off, that's the fucking point, isn't it? Second, don't ever touch my baby. Third, why the fuck are you getting in my case? I'm not your fucking beta, I'm in charge here too. So back the fuck off." I yelled back.

  He clenched his jaw, his eyes going dark. I was not gonna back down if he wanted a fight. He came up to my face, I could feel his breath on my cheek.

  "You're lucky we're in a tight schedule... this isn't over." He whispered.

  I pushed him on his chest. Making him take a step back, he grabbed my arm as I pushed him. He held on tight, gripping me with force, pulling me towards him. One hand gripped my arm, and his other around my waist. 

  "Watch it, Selene... You're lucky you're beautiful, otherwise,...I wouldn't hesitate to take you down." He sneered in my ear. He stood at my neck for a second. Smirked at me while he pulled away.

  "Shit, did I not hide my mark properly? Damn it, Selene!!! If he finds out I have a mate, it could be bad news for my mate.... whoever he is. The least I want is to get him killed before I even meet him."

  "And you're lucky Colonel Coelhelm hasn't asked me to kill you. Otherwise, I would have already ripped your fucking head off." She snapped back.

  He smiled at her. Turned around without another word and walked away. 

  The whole group gathered around. James gave instructions. As usual, the group was to run quietly towards their target and wait for further instructions.

  Jazzy, Caleb, Miranda, and Selene were the snippers. They'd stay back and wait until told to take down their targets before the others attacked. 

  James would be attacking upfront with the first battalion group, if needed the snippers would run to join the second group to attack. 

  "Ok, everyone get ready to go into position." They broke into their groups, and they all sped off. 

  They sprinted at first, then shifted to wolf form to get there faster and undetected since their steps were quieter when they were in wolf form.

  Jazzy, Miranda, Caleb, and Selene came up to a set of boulders about ten miles away from their targeted area. They each set up their snippers and got into position, waiting for further instructions.

  They must have been there for a good five minutes before they were contacted by colonel Coelhelm and James. 

  "Alright James, Selene... the stage is all yours. James, take it from here." Colonel Coelhelm said. 

  "Roger that," James says

  "Ok, alpha 1 in position."

  "Alpha 2 in position."

  "Beta 1 in position. "

  "Beta 2 in position. "

  Each one of the leaders gave their status. Awaiting for James to give his command. 

  Selene cut her mick off, something didn't seem right. "Jazzy, something isn't right. I don't get the scent of any creature. I don't scent any rogues or vamps, all I get is human blood... something's not right here. Why are we here to ambush a human village?"

  Jazzy looked at her, as did Caleb, and Miranda. "I know, I was asking myself the same thing," Miranda answered.

  "Guys, focus... if Colonel Coelhelm says this is the place we have to ambush, then that's what we gotta do. No questions asked, remember?" Caleb answered.

  "Ok, yeah.... but that's because before, I could smell the scent of a rogue or a vampire. But now.... something isn't right... this could easily be a trap... we gotta stay alert."

  "Ok, but you know we are not allowed to go up there unless they call us over. If we go against James word we could get in so much troub-" 

  "May I remind you that Selene is an alpha in this group too. Not just James. If she says we gotta fucking move over there and save their ass then that's what we fucking do." Jazzy yelled.

  "Enough!" Selene yells.

  "If we get called, or we see the necessity to go, then we will move. Until then, we stay in our position. Is that understood?" 

  "Yes, Alpha!" They say in unison.

  They stayed in position, Selene looked through her scope, she could see them nearing bit by bit to the village.

  Everyone walked about as normal. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But yet,..... something told her, there was gonna be a big blood bath, and innocent people were going to die.

  James stopped by the first building. She could see he was communicating through his earpiece with someone. She tapped on her keypad on her sleeve to try and tries to find their line and be able to hear, she somehow was able to hack onto his conversation, muting her voice to avoid being caught in their new invader.

  "Ok, in position. Waiting on your command. " she hears the voice of James.

  Then she here's a voice that is unfamiliar to her. A husky man's voice, a bit of a British, maybe a Londoner's accent on. The other side of the line.

  "Exterminate them. I want no one alive. Do you hear me? No one is to be left alive. We can not take any chances. Every man, every woman, every child. I want them all dead." The husky voice says.

  "Yes sir," James replies, gesturing them to continue with their mission. 

  One by one, the team ambushed into the middle of the village. And for the first time since her first mission, Selene looks away. Tears running down her eyes. She knows something is awfully wrong. The people in the village are running frantically. 

  No one seems to be shifting. She realizes they are all normal humans. They run from one place to the other, scared, vulnerable. Kids grasping on to their mothers, fathers blocking their way from harm to protect their wives and young ones.

  "James, what the fuck is going on? Why is no one shifting? We were ordered to come here and kill creatures, not humans." Selene yells on her piece trying to make sense out of the situation.


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