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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 15

  I looked at him, growling aloud. My wolf Hazel threatening to shift over. I yanked my hand away. Tasha shifted to her wolf and launched towards me. I pushed Blake to the side as she neared us.

  I caught her wolf in mid-air and tossed her across the room slamming her on the wall. She launched at me again, and I punched her hard on her snout, making her body thump loud on the floor.

  When she fell on the floor I stomped hard in her ribs, stabbing her side with the heel of my pumps. She whimpered in agony as I heard her ribs break, and the piercing of my heel on her side.

  I kicked her as I grabbed her body off the floor, and threw it again with another kick. My body was pumping adrenaline on its own as if I was in combat again. 

  I turned my body as I kicked her body again in the midst way before her body hit the wall. She hit the wall, and I was already next to her, punching her profusely on her wolf's face. I could see blood from her snout coming out. I was sure I had broken her jaw.

  I got off her and kicked her again, breaking more of her ribs.

  "Selene stop please you're going to kill her," Jazzy yelled as she held her hands to her face. Blake came and wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me against his chest. Grabbing my hands tight with his arm.

  Even Caleb and James had never been able to still me when I was fighting, but I couldn't get out of Blake's hold, he overpowered me.

  I squirmed around in his arms as he tightened his grip. "Enough Selene," he yelled in his Alpha voice. Everyone jumped in shock at his tone.

  He'd never used his Alpha voice with me. But it really was intimidating. I stood still, trying to catch my breath, I was still really mad.

  Tasha shifted back, whimpering from the pain. She grasped her ribs, I could see both of her sides were red and purple, and covered in blood. It matched perfectly with her broken jaw and the blood pouring from her mouth, it went perfect with her purple eyes and a bloody nose.

  When Blake felt my body relaxed, he let go of me. I made my way close to her.

  She flinched when she saw me near her. Whimpering and placing her body and face down in submission. 

  I gripped her hand tight, pulling her from her hair, and slammed her on the wall, hitting her head on the wall behind her. I placed my hand around her neck, she whimpered like the coward she really was.

  "Don't you EVER, touch my man again. Do I make myself clear?" I whispered in her ear. She looked at me, fear in her eyes, nodding in submission. 

  I growled at her, tossing her to the floor, and turned to give a pissed-off look at Blake.

  His gaze was down towards his shoes. He looked at me, eyebrows narrowed without fully lifting his head. He gulped hard, unable to say a word.

  I looked around, everyone seemed to feel awkward by the confrontation I just had with Tasha... but then again, in a world of wolves, brawls like these always happen, it's not a big deal. Wolves get hurt and even killed for these kinds of shit. 

  She's lucky I let her walk away alive.

  I was so pissed off I was not in the mood to talk to him. 

  I made my way out and up to my room. Blake left behind me, and although he called after me numerous times, I kept walking. I was so mad at him, for his sake, and mine... I was hoping he got the hint I wanted to be alone.

  I got to the door, gripped the doorknob with force, and turned it. Made my way on and closed the door shut with as much force as I could.... but he stood in the way, stopping the door from shutting with his hand.

  He closed it slowly behind him, I knew he was there. His sweet earthy scent filled every inch of my soul. 

  "Selene please.... talk to him. He's our mate.... you know he loves us. Talk to him please?" Hazel pleaded.

  I took a long sigh, I stood by our balcony, looking out to the beautiful lake. My arms crossed over my chest as I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes.

  He walked slowly, he was near, his scent grew stronger and stronger as he got closer. Silent and determined. 

  "Leave Blake."

  I felt him getting closer, the closer he got, the angrier and more hurt I felt.

  He wrapped his hands around my waist, his lips grazed softly across my neck. His breath making goosebumps on my skin. I know I should be furious with him... and I hate that his touch has such an effect on me.

  My throat felt dry, yet I could taste the sweetness of his kiss just by his touch on my skin.

  "Darling... I didn't know she'd be here. I promise I never meant to hurt you." 


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