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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 14

  I excused myself as I made my way out to the restroom. Jazzy stood up and soon followed behind me, we went in and did our business. We washed our hands, she retouched her makeup and I walked back together with her.

  When I went back out, Hazel was furious at the sight before us. My heart sank and I was beyond pissed and annoyed. A stupid female was sitting on Blake's lap, and although his hands were not on her, and it rather looked like he was trying to get her off, it didn't matter to me. 

  All I know is that she is on his lap, where I belong and no one else.

  "Uhm, Selene... calm down. I'm sure she's one of those stupid females that like to just come around and ask for trouble or whatnot for no reason..... but you are better than this." 

  I took a long sigh, "You know Jaz, for her sake, and everyone else here... she better be off my man before I make my way over there. Or there will be blood in that stupid pretty face of hers when I'm done with her."

  She knows what I'm capable of, and knows that no one.... but I mean no one messes with my man. 

  "Selene, please... that girl will never have a chance to defend herself. Just take it es-" 

  I left her there talking to herself, pulling my hand out of her grasp, and made my way to the table.

  "Fuck, here we go..." I heard her say.

  Blake had a blank stare that let me know he was annoyed, but I was more pissed off the fact he wasn't making this stupid female get off him.

  She talked in his ear as she tried to wrap her scrawny twig arms around his neck. 

  "Come on Blake, just one last time, let's sneak out and have some fun. You know you want to shove your delicious tongue of yours down my throat. I miss your kisses baby." 

  I cleared my throat, as I stood before them. Everyone seemed bothered by her presence, yet the fact no one told her to leave made my rage increase more by the second.

  When Blake saw me, his eyes widened in shock, his face was red. Yet somehow the fact he saw me jealous amused him... you have to be fucking kidding me right now? How dare he get amused by this damn circumstance?

  She looked up annoyed and rolled her eyes. I crossed my hands over my chest and tapped my foot profusely on the floor.

  "What?.... Can I help you with something?" She said as she rolled her eyes. He somehow thought it was amusing to see me there all pissed off. If he was trying to play along now, things were gonna get worse for her and he was not gonna hear the end of it.

  "Who are you?" I asked her narrowing my eyebrows and glaring between the both. His face turned into a smile as he wrapped his hand around her waist.

  "I'm Tasha, who the fuck are you?" She said tossing her hair back and placing it on top of his chest.

  I let out a growl, Hazel was just as pissed off as I was.


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