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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 34

  Third Person POV 

  Damian sits in his chair. He grips the armrests tightly, clenching his jaw. Before him stands Tasha, her hands tied in front, and blood running down her mouth.

  His eyes are blood red, anger is more than evident in his perplection. He fuses and clenches his jaw as he slowly stands; slowly making his way towards her. 

  "Remind me again my dear, why I allowed you to talk me into letting you be a part of this mission? Did you not say you would make sure that I'd have Selene in my presence by the time I saw you?" He lifts her chin softly before him. Tasha's jaw trembles and maintains her eyes low, unwilling to look at him in his eyes. 

  Her whole body shook in fear of what he may do to her. Tears roll down her cheeks. 

  "You gave me no choice! Did you?" She whispers, her lip trembling uncontrollably as she tries to gather the courage to stand before him.

  He smiles, letting go of her face, and walks back a few steps away from her. 

  Placing his fingers together as he narrows an eyebrow. He tilts his head back, glancing at Tasha over his shoulder.

  He gestures to the guards as they make their way holding a thin and weakened werewolf in silver shackles around his hands and feet.

  Her heart drops and tears run down profusely on her cheeks as she sees her mate being mistreated and malnourished. 

  "Hector!....baby are you ok? Look at you? what have you done to him?" She runs to his side. The silver shackles, and a collar around him, bound by chains keeping him from shifting back to his human form. 

  "Oh relax! He's not dead yet! is he?" He gestures towards him as she throws herself over his body. He whimpers to the feel of her touch.

  "You're a monster!" She cries out, a knot forming in her throat. 

  "Oh come on now love? I wasn't the one who was trying to jump someone else's man, was I? I heard Selene gave you a good run for the show! How is my beautiful little Selene now huh?" He smiles as he comes behind her, pulling her up by her hair and tossing her across the marbled floor of the Victorian-style study.

  "You made me do it. I hate being under your stupid manipulation spell. I hate it!...... but I'd do anything to save him." She turns towards Hector with tears in her eyes, and hands across her chest.

  "Pff, please! All this love mambo jumbo is pathetic. It makes you weak! Vulnerable! It makes you worthless!" He gestures to the men to take him away. 

  She stands and runs to him. Tossing her body on top of the weak and vulnerable wolf. "NO! Please... let him go. I'll do anything!?" She grips onto his torso as they drag him away.


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