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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 35

  Blake and Tyler make their way back inside his grandfather's house. The sweet aroma of food invades their nostrils as both men followed by the rest of their small group followed behind.

  His grandpa stands at the wood fire lit furnace. The pot on top is bubbling and simmering. His grandfather grabs the spoon and gives it a last stir before taking it off the hot top.

  Placing the pot on top of the counter he greets all the boys and waits for them to sit. One by one, he serves them a good heaping of food in a bowl each. Quietly, peacefully, they eat. 

  "I was sure I wouldn't see you until tonight. I'm glad to see you boys back so early. I have been worried since the moment you left." He lifts his head looking around towards the boys.

  "Please! Help yourself to seconds if you'd like. I made plenty of stew for everyone. "

  "Thanks, grandpa. I really appreciate it. We were starving."

  "So! Tyler, it's good to have you back safe and sound." 

  Tyler glances at him, a melancholic smile on his face. They all know this isn't over. Though he is safe now, they all know that the battle is still to come. And though they dread to think so, someone is bound to lose. Someone is bound to get hurt, and worst... there will not just be bloodshed, but lives will be lost.

  Silence becomes a favorite among them. They sit quietly. All men looking down towards the floor, from time to time one or another steal a quick glance at the rest. Yet, no one shares to speak.


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