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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 69

Me and Nile were now heading in the forest. Just a few hours with that man had felt like hell. That place was sophicating me, making me depressed than ever.

Also I wasn't feeling the best knowing that my family was suffering because of me.

I just really hoped that my plan worked.

"Where did you leave it Luna?" Nile asked me.

"Just near the clearing." I pointed out as we reached the lake.

Well honestly I wasn't lying, I had left my camera there but to my luck it was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did you leave it exactly?" Nile asked hesitantly.

"Umm it was here, the last time I saw it." I said nearing closer and closer to the lake.

"Hey what's there?" I asked Nile pointing infront of me in the air and just as he came closer, I took my chance and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Tell him if  he wants me back then bring my family first!" I yelled as I jumped in the water and made my way to the other side.

When I reached there, my heart was beating and my hands were shaking. It was so hard to believe that I had been able to do this.

It looked like no one was in the cabin. The lights were closed as well as the door. The hopelessness I felt at the moment was unexplainable.

All the time I had imagined this moment was that as soon as I will reach there, I will have my parents to hug.

But there was no time for that, so I quickly took out the emergency key from under the money plant that my mom had informed me about and opened the door.

I ran into the kitchen, trying to find the landline when suddenly my eyes fell on a note on the fridge.

I recognised my mom's writing. She had written the address of a hotel where the police had moved them into once they reported our missing and underneath the note was the number of the police.

My hands were shaking as I reached the landline and dialed the number.



It had been ten minutes now that the police had arrived. I had explained to them what had happened.

They were now surrounding my house as we waited for Arlos to arrive with my family.

The police had talked me into going back to the city with them as according to the myth, no one who had ventured before into that territory had been returned.

But something in my heart told me that he would come and we soon found out that I was right.

Within the next five minutes, I spotted his huge frame entering the lake from my window.

All the color had drained from my face, my heart was running a marathon and my whole body was shaking but what made me feel a little good was that I spotted some guards behind him that were bringing my family.

I quickly ran towards the kitchen, grabbed a knife and then opened the door to the cabin.


I stood in the middle as he came out of the lake. His blue eyes never left mine as he took off his drenched shirt and threw it on the side.

His fists were clenched and his eyes were fuming with rage.

"Leena." He growled.

"Arlos." I acknowledged, trying my best not to stutter.

"Come back here this instant!" He growled, his voice echoing through out the forest.

Chapter 8: I'm taking what's mine 1

Chapter 8: I'm taking what's mine 2


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