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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 71

The next morning:

"I wish I was as pretty as her!" I heard someone squeal.

I opened my eyes to be met with grey orbs directly onto my face.

Had I escaped reality?

Was I in on Mars?

Did aliens have grey eyes?

I rubbed my eyes as I got up from the bed.

A woman stood infront of me with a huge smile etched on her face.

"Hi I'm Alaya!" She smiled.

"Hi I'm sleepy." I groaned as I tried to come to reality.

I looked at her and I had to admit that either I had a certain likeness to brunettes or she was genuinely pretty.

She stood around five feet 2 inches and her sandy Island complexion definitely bought attention to her beautiful eyes.

"I have to say my brother is quite lucky." She admitted.

"Oh." I retorted.

So this was who she was.

Suddenly it made me not want to talk to her. Her psycho brother was enough for me to handle.

So I started to make my way towards what I presumed was the bathroom.

"Hey! You don't have to be a bitch to me because of my brother. I know he is an asshole but you can't judge me because of him."

"I'm not here to make friends." I replied as I turned around and looked at her.

"Come on Leena! I have waited twenty years to have a sister who doesn't try to kill the person I have a crush on!" She groaned.

"Your sister tried to kill your crush?" I asked genuinely shocked.

"No my brother did." She smiled.

"He is a little over protective."

"Trust me I know!" I retorted as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Look Leena, I know what he did to you was not right and I won't ever forgive him for that, but trust me his intentions are pure and all he wants to do is protect you and take care of you." She said.

"I don't need his protection and I'm capable of taking care of myself!" I argued.

She looked at me mischievously and then took some steps towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked a little creeped out.

"I need to be quiet or else Nile will hear me but I promise I'm gonna help you in torturing my brother." She whispered.

I looked at her confused.

Why would a sister want to torture her brother?

"He scared of my last boyfriend." She explained.


"Now I have put some clothes for you in the bathroom. Get ready, I'm waiting for you and then we will go for breakfast."

Maybe making a friend wouldn't be a problem.


As I stepped down the stairs, I looked at the house.

I had come to the realisation that I was not in the same building as before but instead this time it was a house.

And trust me when I tell you, it was the most boring and dull place.

The place had two floors and was beautiful with its cream colored walls  and huge windows but it seemed like no one had ever paid attention to decorating it.

"Whose house is this?" I asked Alaya.

"Arlos. I know its bland but its because he has just purchased this a month ago. But now that you are here we can decorate it!" She squealed.

Maybe I could do him a favour and decorate his house?

I mean it wasn't cost me anything and I had spent a lot of my time on Pinterest.

Chapter 10: I'm not hungry anymore 1

Chapter 10: I'm not hungry anymore 2


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