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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Kidnapper


As the shopkeeper stared at us expectantly, a pit formed in my stomach. I wanted to turn down the man’s offer and was about to open my mouth to do just that, but before the words could leave my mouth, Finnick jumped excitedly.

“Yes!” he declared, and then he whipped back around to look at me. “Just one look, Mommy, pleaaaaaase?”

My son’s storm-gray eyes were as wide as the puppies’ in the window. He wasn’t normally one to beg so I was a little taken aback by his demeanor, but I was struggling to refuse his request. It wasn’t very often we were able to do something like this.

“You don’t have to take one home with you today, kind lady,” the shopkeeper addressed me gently. “You’re more than welcome to join the boy and look.”

I considered the idea for a moment and then nodded. “Thank you for your


I took Finnick’s hand in mine and the two of us followed the man into his shop. As we crossed the threshold, I couldn’t help but remember being here when I was young. The shop looked exactly the same, but the gentle older lady who ran it didn’t appear to be around.

The moment the doors closed behind us, the puppies in the pen began to bark.

Their hackles raised and their tails thrashed as if we were intruders instead of

visitors. Finnick stiffened beside me, a little taken aback by the sound.

“It’s okay, honey,” I whispered gently, and I squeezed Finnick’s hand.

“They’re just a little excited,” the shopkeeper explained to us when we stopped in ront of the pen. “It’s been a slow day today and they haven’t seen many people.”

I was surprised by his explanation. The main street was full of so many people. It struck me as odd that this shop hadn’t been more popular on a day like today. Had

their customer base dwindled?

Finnick tugged on my sleeve. “Mommy, can I pet them?”

“We’ll have to ask the nice man,” I answered softly, and when I turned to look at the shopkeeper, he gave me a small nod of approval. I then turned back to Finnick. “Now, you’ll have to be very gentle, okay? They’re just babies.”

“I will,” Finnick promised, and then he turned to the shopkeeper. “Thank you!”

He smiled. “Of course, young man.”

Finnick wasted no time after that and hustled right over to the pen of puppies. The little dogs swarmed toward him, and their b*dy language, shifted from guarded to ready for love. They all jumped up and began to beg for his attention.

My son giggled in delight, and my lips curled into a smile. I knew it was going to be hard to drag him away from all of this when the time came, but for now, he deserved to feel the joy of being a child. Life in Anemond had been so difficult lately. He deserved some happiness, if only for a moment.

A tiny brown puppy made its way into Finnick’s arms and my heart panged at the sight of them together. The animal was a fluffy little thing with big black eyes. and a wet pink tongue that licked Finnick all over.

Finnick was delighted as the puppy squirmed around in his lap. It wasn’t long before he turned to face me with a hopeful expression and it took all of my effort to keep from caving in. I simply shook my head and offered him ah apologetic glance.

“We can maybe get you some new toys from the market, but we can’t get a puppy,” I explained. “I’m sorry, honey.”

“Oh,” Finnick sighed, dejected, and suddenly, his eyes began to water. The sight of him so sad was almost enough to bring me to tears as well. I wished nothing more than to be able to get him a companion, but we couldn’t.

Moments later, the shopkeeper approached me and offered me a kind expression and a cup of steaming tea.

“It’s okay, my lady,” he a*sured me, and then he gestured to the cup. “Would you like a cup of chamomile? It’s awfully cold out there.”

“Thank you,” I said gratefully, and I accepted the cup. “That’s very kind of you to


“It’s no trouble at all,” he replied.


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