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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 Saved by a stranger


Finnick cried in my arms and I wanted to soothe him, but we had to get as far away from this situation as possible.

The back door of the shop out into a small alley. There was little room between the buildings at all, but I could spy a way out in the distance. I just needed to get us back out to the main street, and then we could disappear into the crowd of people

and leave the crazed man and woman behind.

“Hang tight, baby,” I urged Finnick as I braced him against me. He sobbed quietly in my arms but kept his grip around me obediently.

“M-Mommy, who are those people?” he whimpered as he buried his head into my neck. “Why are we running?”

“I don’t know, honey,” I said. “Just stay quiet and close your eyes.”

The young woman suddenly rushed out into the alley with us. I continued to walk backward slowly.

“Please,” I begged her. “We don’t have to do this. We could forget about this entire thing-”

“I don’t think so,” the young woman retorted, her eyes full of venom as they bore into mine with sharp intensity. “You’re not getting away from me that easily.”

I took a breath as I continued to walk backward. She was moving slow for now, but her crazed expression told me this was about to be a chase.

“Help!” I cried out as loudly as my lungs would allow. “Help us!”

The woman laughed. “No one is coming to save you!”

“Help!” I called out again, and when my call was unanswered, I knew I had no

choice but to save myself. I turned around in one swift motion and took off down the


Make it to the main street, I repeated to myself in my mind. Just make it to the

main street.

I could hear the young woman chasing after us and my heart beat like a drum with every stride.

What was happening?

What had we done to deserve this?

Desperation flooded through me as I ran and tears sprang out of my eyes as Finnick sobbed in confusion.


The footsteps behind me suddenly got louder, and when I turned around, the woman was a mere ten feet away.

“Please, don’t,” I begged again. The woman’s vicious smile widened. “Sorry,” she mocked, but before she could get any closer a trio of figures emerged from the shadows. Their movements were swift, and they descended upon the woman. quickly and threw her to the ground.

“Mommy, what’s-”

“Shhh,” I instructed Finnick as I held him close.

It was all happening so fast that I couldn’t keep up. I took steps backward as the fight ensued. It was all a blur of limbs and shouts that lasted maybe thirty seconds at the most. Adrenaline surged through me.

When my eyes managed to focus, I watched the young woman scramble to her feet and flee.

Whoever these guys were, she didn’t want anything to do with them.

Fear flooded through me. What was all of that? And who were they?

The trio of men approached us once she was gone, but though their b*dy language and statues were fierce and tough, their expressions held no malice.

I frowned as I took in their appearances. Each of the men had long, shiny hair that fell nearly to their waist, and they wore clothing that was much different than those we wore here in Wegalla. Their leather attire was lined with dark fur, and they wore tall boots that rose past their knees. On the breasts of their strange coats was a deep green, swirling insignia I didn’t recognize.

Who were they?

Were they foreigners?

Suddenly, there was a noise behind me, and I turned to see a tall man standing about ten feet beyond us. I nearly jumped out of my skin in surprise. His face was concealed by shadows and I braced for trouble when I noticed the

heavily-weaponed guards around him.


However, the tall man paid me no heed and instead looked out at the trio of


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