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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50 King of Yurene


As much as I wanted to return to the palace on my own, I couldn’t deny Kaleb’s offer to escort Finnick and me. The tall man was kind and besides, he was flanked by a group of muscular men who could defend us against any further threats. I couldn’t allow myself to risk Finnick’s safety again.

As we walked, I couldn’t help but wonder who Kaleb was. The foreign man had to be someone important if he had all of those guards to attend and protect him. Everything about him was poised and proper, and I admired the strong way he held himself as he strode. Normally, those with a stature that tall tended to slouch to make themselves smaller. But Kaleb held himself regally and proud.

Kaleb chattered on as we moved through the thrall of the market. He was making many observations about our surroundings and about Anemond in general, which told me he was new to our lands. Every person we pa*sed by stared at him with curiosity. I couldn’t blame them. Their height, hair, and attire made them stick out like a sore thumb even in a crowd like this.

to ic

I wanted in on the conversation, but I didn’t feel quite up to talking. I was still so overwhelmed by everything that had happened today in the alley.

However, I couldn’t remain silent forever. It was impolite to keep

quiet to

Kaleb mused on about Wegalla, especially after he’d gone through all of the effort to

save me.

So, I answered the questions he had as well as I could.

As we chatted politely, I set Finnick down and let him walk beside me. I gripped his hand tighter than usual, but my son didn’t seem to mind. His pallor was paler than usual, not that I could blame him. I was ready to get him back to the palace as quickly as possible and in the safety of our chambers.

Merliscire was full of terrors and dangers of its own, but at least I didn’t have to

worry about back alley a*sa*sins and potential kidnappers.

It took us nearly twenty minutes, but we finally arrived at the gates of the palace. The moment we approached, a se rvant appeared from the shadows. Though I didn’t know his name, I’d seen his young face around the palace quite often.

“Healer Ca ssandra,” he greeted me with a warm smile. “Welcome back.”

Suddenly, his expression shifted when he noticed Kaleb and his group of guards. The young man studied them for a second and then frowned.

Kaleb didn’t seem to notice the strangeness in his gaze.

“Where is the Alpha King?” he asked the se rvant bluntly, and we were all a little taken aback by his question.

“I beg your pardon, sir?” the se rvant asked, and then he cleared his throat. “Who are you?”

Kaleb held his chin up ever so slightly. “My name is Kaleb Adams.”

The se rvant’s skin paled and his eyes grew wide. He began to shake a little and then bowed in respect.

“M-my apologies, my Lord,” he stammered. “I didn’t mean to be so rude.”


Kaleb was a lord?

I turned to look at him with confusion, but Kaleb merely smiled and shrugged. This day was proving to be a strange one indeed and I was ready to return to my chambers and breathe.

“Please follow me,” the se rvant waved us on.

Our group crossed through the gate, and the moment they closed behind us, I

breathed a sigh of relief, and Finnick did the same.

“I’m glad we’re back, Mommy,” he whispered.

“Me too, honey,” I said quietly, and I squeezed his hand.

The moment we stepped foot into the entryway of the palace, I felt myself growing antsy. I lingered there with the group for a moment and then I turned to Kaleb.

“Thank you so much again for saving us,” I said kindly but firmly, and then I gave him a small, apologetic smile. “If you’ll please excuse me, I need to be going.”

“Of course,” Kaleb replied. He reached out and took my free hand in his, raised it to his lips, and k*ssed it. Heat spread to my cheeks as his deep blue eyes stared into mine.

look forward to meeting you again, Ca ssandra Keller.”

“Y-you as well,” I stammered. When he dropped my hand, I gave a small bow of respect and then looked down at Finnick. “Let’s go.”

Finnick nodded in relief, and then the pair of us ascended the staircase.


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