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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Accident in the lab


“Is there a way to open it?” I wondered as I stared at the box.

The librarian squatted down beside it and inspected it closely. Her round gla*ses nearly fell off her nose as she leaned in closer and took the large lock into

her hands.

“Ah,” she remarked, and she pointed to the back of the lock. “See there? That’s the royal seal.”

“Oh,” I replied simply and then I frowned. “So that means…”

“You’d need permission from the Alpha King, most likely,” the librarian said and she offered me an apologetic glance. “His Majesty is probably the only one with the power to open it. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help.”

“It’s no problem,” I a*sured her, but it was quite the opposite. I was too afraid to visit Asher and didn’t know how to face him after the events of last night.

“Is there anything else-”

I shook my head. “No, I think I’m going to grab my things and go back to my lab. Thank you again for letting me in, I appreciate it greatly.”

“Of course, Healer Ca ssandra,” the librarian replied.

I quickly returned my notebooks and pens to my backpack and once I had everything, I walked out of the library and headed back toward the lab. I was disappointed that I hadn’t found anything helpful and also a little intrigued by that strange box. Normally, I would let something like that go, but I had a strong feeling that something interesting was in there and my mind wouldn’t dismiss it.

As I made my way down the hall, I heard loud voices in the distance. My

eyebrows creased together. What was going on?

The volume increased as I got closer and when I reached the doors, I noticed the guard’s face was bright red. Asher had appointed him to keep anyone who wasn’t supposed to be in the lab out.

So who was Becky arguing with?

“What’s going on?” I wondered, and the moment I asked, I heard Becky’s voice again.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“Just who do you think you’re speaking to?” the other voice demanded and my heart began to race.

The voice belonged to Adalyn. And she sounded angry.

“I’m sorry, Healer Ca ssandra,” the guard apologized. “I didn’t mean to fail my


“I’ll handle this,” I a*sured him, and after I took a short breath and centered myself, I stepped through the doors and into the lab.

Adalyn was frantically walking around the place, checking devices and various things on our desks. Meanwhile, Becky was following along, begging her to stop.

“Please, my lady,” she begged. “Don’t tamper with our things… it’s important research!”

My a*sistant’s voice was quite despaired and she seemed a little helpless. It was as if Adalyn couldn’t hear her or something. Anger swelled within me. I needed to put a stop to this.


“What’s going on here?” I blurted out boldly, and both sets of eyes fell on me at once. Adalyn’s were full of rage as they darted over to me and her full, red lips drew

into a thin line. She looked as beautiful as ever but it was clear that she was incredibly tired. Last night had apparently done a number on anyone, but I wasn’t

going to let her continue on with her behavior.

“This lab is forbidden to anyone else but the King,” I emphasized.


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