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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62 Are you injured?


Just as I was about to make sure Adalyn was okay, the laboratory doors flew open, and in walked the Alpha King, Becky, and a pair of guards. Asher’s gray eyes were ablaze and when they caught sight of Adalyn on the ground in pain, he only

grew more angry.

“What have you done?” he demanded, and his face contorted as he roared.

recoiled at the sound, my heart racing, and my b*dy shaking at his incredulous tone. This was it. I had been in plenty of trouble since I’d arrived in Anemond, but this would be my crowning glory. I was going to the dungeons or worse.

Adalyn sobbed even louder.

“I-I-It was all HER fault!” she cried out and pointed in my direction.

Asher’s eyes fell to me and a lump formed in my throat. I wanted to protest, to explain what had actually happened, but the words were stuck in my throat. Even if I could explain, I doubted that Asher would trust me.

I was terrified.

The room fell into silence, save for Adalyn’s cries, and it was then I noticed a foul smell in the air. It took a moment for it to register but I realized it was the burnt smell of flesh. The acid was no joke and Adalyn should not have handled it so carelessly. The mark would likely last forever.

Asher didn’t speak a word. He simply squatted down beside his wife and took her arm in his hand. She winced under his touch and when she began to whimper,

he turned to the guards.

“Take Adalyn to the royal healers at once,” he demanded.

“I won’t go without you!” Adalyn sniffled. I half-expected Asher to deny her request, but to my surprise, he nodded.

“Okay,” he said, and he helped her to her feet. Adalyn trembled and nearly sank back down to her knees, but Asher held her steady. The guards stepped in to help and before they left the room, the Alpha King glanced at me. Though the moment was brief, it felt like an eternity, and my throat only grew tighter.

For a second, I wanted to ask Asher to stay so I could tell him everything that had actually happened. But the other part of me knew I couldn’t.

Ever since I’d arrived in Anemond, I’d done my best to avoid trouble, and yet, here I was, swept up in another bit of drama and turmoil. Why was this my fate?

I watched in fear as they left the room and once the doors closed behind them, Becky rushed over to me.

“Ca ssy,” she breathed. “Oh Goddess, are you alright?”

Her eyes were wide with shock and they only grew wider when she took my


“Ca ssy?” she prompted me again, and she gestured down at my hand. “Oh Ca ssy, your hand is burnt.”

Her statement was enough to snap me out of my daze.

“What?” I asked, and when I looked down, I was shocked to see that my hand was indeed, quite burnt. It was then that the pain started to set in. The feeling was


I knew the sensation of burnt skin all too well.


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