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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 All her options


I was a little taken aback by the Alpha King’s question. Did Asher actually care that I’d been hurt or had he asked only out of politeness?

I nodded anyway. “I’m fine.”

He didn’t seem as convinced. His eyes remained fixed on my bandaged arm and his mouth drew into a thin line. With every second, I was growing more and more uncomfortable with this interaction and decided to not waste any more time.

“How is Adalyn?” I wondered and immediately, Asher broke his gaze and cleared his throat.

“Half of her left forearm is burnt,” he revealed and he ran his hand through his tousled dark hair tiredly. “Though the acid wasn’t strong enough to get to the bone, it will leave permanent scars. The royal healers did all they could, but there’s only so much they could accomplish. Adalyn is upset.”

I nodded but didn’t say anything. Of course Adalyn would be upset. She was incredibly vain when it came to her appearance. Any type of flaw or imperfection would make her more emotional than the physical pain itself.

For a moment, I wanted to scoff at the ridiculousness, but then I remembered my own injuries from the inferno. To this day, I had no idea how Emmett had been able to cure me and remove all of my burn scars.

“Look, I know this wasn’t your fault, Ca ssandra,” Asher spoke again. “But this is a complicated matter that needs sorting out. In the meantime, I suggest that you don’t leave your chambers or roam the palace. I think it would be best for everyone

you remained confined and out of sight, at least for now.”


“I understand,” I said quietly and I nodded as I considered his words. Adalyn Moses was the Beta’s daughter and the Alpha King’s wife. I was nothing more than a

country commoner. Though I had once been someone important, I no longer held any power, therefore, I needed to heed Asher’s decree, no matter how much I

disliked it.

“Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?” Asher pressed, and he gestured again to my bandaged hand. He reached out to touch my arm, but I automatically recoiled from

his touch.

“I’m fine,” I managed, and then I backed away further still. “If there’s nothing more to say, Your Majesty, I think it would be best for me to leave. It’s been a long. day for everyone and I need to see my son.”

Asher said nothing, but I turned around anyway and headed toward the door. I waited for him to say something or stop me in some way, but when he didn’t, I continued out the door and into the hallway.

My eyes began to well up with tears, but I forced them back as best as I could. As much as I appreciated Asher’s care and understanding, it came with a cost. The more he offered, the more jealous and wrathful Adalyn would be, and I didn’t want anything to do with that. This time I had been the intended victim of her scorn but next time, it could be Finnick. I couldn’t risk that. I would do anything to keep my son safe, no matter what.

When I got back to my chamber, Erika and Finnick were waiting for me, and they both noticed my bandage immediately.

“What happened, Ca ssandra?” Erika demanded and she rushed to my side. She carefully took my arm and stared at me with wide eyes. Her concern was nearly enough to make me cry all over again, but I couldn’t risk getting upset in front of


“Something at work,” I remarked. “An accident. I’m okay, though.”

Erika didn’t seem convinced and neither did Finnick at first. The pair stared at me for a while until Finnick returned to playing with his toys. Meanwhile, I took a seat at the table and released a heavy breath. Erika disappeared for a little while, and when she returned, she had tea and a small tray of tiny cakes. She brought


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