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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Strange man


My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the bottle. My hands began to shake so hard that for a moment, I nearly slipped and dropped the container on the ground.

Were all of these bottles full of poison?

Did someone raise these vipers here?

Everything was so strange and confusing and my mind began to drown in the possibilities.

Just as I started to steady myself, I heard something move behind me. I started to turn around, but I was shoved forward before I could. A cry rose up from my chest, and when I whipped around, a tall, dark figure stood behind me.

The light down here was too dim to make out his features, and even if I could, he was moving far too quickly for me to recognize him.

The man lunged at me, and suddenly, my mask was knocked off and crashed to the floor. As it broke into pieces, the smell of the basement hit me in full force. I plugged my nostrils as I tried to put some distance between my a*sailant and me, but it was too late. The scent of the anesthetics was too strong. My knees began to wobble involuntarily and my head swam with dizziness.

I tried to run, but the man was too fast. He came up behind me and shoved a cloth over my mouth. I tried to scream, but the sound was mu ffled. Another pungent scent reached my nose before I could stop it. There was something on the cloth, something toxic, and it was strong enough to finally send me to my knees. I collapsed halfway and then moments later, I was completely on the ground.

I wanted to scream and cry out for help, but I was frozen, paralyzed. A wounded animal trapped on a cold dark floor.

This feeling was all too familiar. It was similar to how I’d felt just before the inferno five years ago. My eyes were swollen and my legs were completely numb.

Even though the effort was nearly impossible, I strained to keep my eyes open. Beyond me, the man stood at the table with his back turned. When he shifted, I could see him gathering up all of the books and bottles. He threw them into the bag. he had draped on his shoulder, and once they were all collected, he turned to look.

at me.

Fear ran through me.

Now that he’d collected what he wanted, what was he going to do to me?

He began to walk toward me and I wanted nothing more than to disappear. I’d been through hell all those years ago, but every day I’d spent here in Anemond had become nightmarish in of itself.


I tried again to cry out, but the effort was of no use. I was trapped.

When the man reached me, he squatted down, and I finally got a look of his

Well, sort of.

His features were concealed under a grotesque mask that made my stomach turn. Whoever he was, he was a villain for sure.

As I trembled, the man snorted, and without another moment’s hesitation, he scooped me up off of the cold basement ground.

I wanted to kick and scream as he gripped my paralyzed b*dy tightly, but there

was no use.

Where was he going to take me?

I tried again to make a sound, but none would escape me. The anesthetics thrown into the basement coupled with whatever chemical the man had put on the cloth were far too much for me to overpower. I was completely at a loss here.

The man carried me over to the far right wall. As we moved through the darkness, I tried to stay focused, but my vision was obstructed.

Once we were there, however, I could see a small button on the wall.

A button?

What was that doing here?

The man pressed it gently, and moments later, the wall before us began to rotate. Dread rose within me as the rotating door revealed a hallway. The corridor was dimly lit and appeared to be never-ending. I couldn’t even see the end of it if I


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