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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Vengeance fueled up


Father didn’t look well when he returned home. His cheeks were red and his eyes were frantic as they darted around. As his hands twitched at his sides, I realized that wherever he’d come from, he was in a terrible mood.


Whenever he was angry or agitated, his hand twitched, along with his right eye. As he paced around the room, I saw his eye tick, and I knew that whatever had happened, it wasn’t good.

“What happened, Father?” I asked as I timidly approached.

“You’re an idiot and a fool, Adalyn!” Father shouted as his nostrils flared. His sudden outburst startled me and I took a step back.

“What do you-” I started to say, but before the words could leave my mouth, Mother appeared and swooped in between us.

“Oliver, dear, what’s going on?” Mother said gently, and she rubbed Father’s shoulder. As she tried to soothe him, I took the opportunity to create some distance. between us.

After the incident in the palace laboratory, I’d remained in the House of Moses. My parents had told the Alpha King that I’d receive much better care here than I would there, but it was just an excuse. I knew Father wanted something from me.

Though I didn’t want to admit it, I was incredibly annoyed by it all. I’d expected Asher to at least pop in and see if I was alright, but the Alpha King was nowhere to be found. My husband had accompanied me during my treatments in the palace, but once I’d left and returned to my parent’s house… it was as if I didn’t exist anymore.

Why didn’t he care?

Why hadn’t he come to see if I was okay?

As I sat down in an armchair and looked out the window, I bit my lip and

remained silent.

Truth be told, I was exhausted in almost every way possible.

My entire life I’d been told how to act, how to behave, how to conduct myself. I’d been instructed how to speak, how to sit, and how to look. Every bit of myself had been painstakingly crafted by my parent’s steady eyes and hands.

So why were they angry with me now?

I had listened to what Father had told me to do… at least for the most part. I knew I’d overreacted slightly. I wasn’t supposed to create a commotion in that healer’s lab. Father had only instructed me to snoop and find out what she was doing. I’d been told I could make small troubles, but not too much of a fuss.

I’d fully intended on only doing that much. But then I’d seen the look on the healer’s face. Ca ssandra Keller. That vile, pathetic healer. She had the most condescending attitude and disposition, and that day, I’d just had enough. She was always in places she shouldn’t be, sneaking secret glances at my husband. She was hiding something, and I was tired of her always somehow finding her way into my life.

When I’d raised the vial of chemicals, I’d intended to teach her a lesson. Not a major one, just enough for her to back off and remember her station. In the end, though, I was the one who got hurt, both literally and me ntally.

My eyes flew down to my damaged arm and I felt a small pang of pain. None of this was fair. Why was everyone always on Ca ssandra Keller’s side, and why was no one rooting for me? I didn’t understand what I’d done to deserve any of this.

“Dear, why don’t you take a seat and tell us what happened?” Mother’s voice suddenly made me snap out of my haze. I looked up to see her escorting Father into the room and into his favorite chair. Instinctively, I rested my hands in my lab and straightened my posture. If there was one thing Father hated more than anything, it was slouching.

“Fine,” Father remarked as he sat down. Once he was seated, Mother

disappeared and left the two of us alone. For a moment, I didn’t know if I should say anything. Provoking Father wasn’t always wise, but I wanted to know what was going on.

So, I cleared my throat and oriented my b*dy toward him.


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