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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Marks grew quickly


As much as I needed her to, Ca ssandra wouldn’t tell me the truth. As I stared into her deep green eyes, I could see the stubbornness within. Cora had been stubborn as well, completely defiant. Once she had made her decision, no one was able to change her mind, even if it was for her own well-being.

Along with the stubbornness was a touch of fear. That small glint of it bothered me more than I wanted to admit. I didn’t want Ca ssandra Keller to fear me. In fact, it

was the last thing in the world I wanted.

Even if she didn’t want to tell me the truth, there were other ways of finding out. what I’d already begun to a*sume. We could conduct genetic testing. A few strands of her long, copper hair were more than enough to be sufficient.

If the royal healers didn’t seem trustworthy enough to conduct the research. themselves, I could seek out other resources. I would do anything I could to find out the truth of the healer’s identity.

Of course, even if I got the proof I needed to determine that Ca ssandra was in fact Cora Felix, what happened next? Could she tell me what happened five years ago? Or would she just run away and vanish again from my life?

There were no guarantees for how the exchange would go.

I felt unease swelling in my heart. As much as I wanted to charge head-on into the issue, I needed to take things slow.

As Ca ssandra rose from the bed, I thought she was going to up and leave entirely. However, the moment that her gaze reached my exposed arm, her lovely eyes widened and she stared at me in horror.

“The marks,” she gasped. “How… how have they spread so quickly?”

I followed her gaze to my arm and suddenly felt my forehead break out in sweat. I hadn’t intended for her to see the marks that’d recently spread toward my


“It’s nothing,” I remarked as I yanked the sleeve of my shirt back down. “Don’t worry about it.”

“It sure doesn’t look like nothing!” Ca ssandra exclaimed, and she climbed off of the bed and rushed over to me. The healer took my arm and yanked the sleeve back up. I winced slightly, but tried to play it off.

“Look, it’s not as bad as it seems,” I tried to brush her off. “It’s gotten a little worse over the past few days… but honestly, aside from the headache, I’m fine-”

“You must certainly aren’t fine!” she retorted, and her eyebrows furrowed together in complete annoyance. “This isn’t good. If the mark has already spread…”

Her voice trailed off as she examined me, and my lips curled into a frown. Why was she reacting in this way? I was no worse off than I’d been a week ago, mark


Suddenly, I recognized the look on her face. Ca ssandra’s expression was fearful. As she pulled my arm closer to her, I noticed that her eyes were wet with moisture. Was she… crying? Over me?

“It wasn’t this serious the last time we did a health check,” she said quietly, and when she met my eyes, I nodded.

“Yeah,” I whispered.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked.

“Things have been so busy,” I murmured. “I wasn’t sure what to say. But I won’t lie to you any longer. I think the disease is spreading, Ca ssandra. Rapidly.”

The healer’s face grew pale. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and her lower lip trembled. For a moment, I thought she was going to dissolve into s obs. But instead, she concentrated on the mark.


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