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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Complicated mystery


Though we managed to untangle from one another and separate just in time for the prince to enter the room, I could tell the boy wasn’t happy to see me as he ran to his father. I could pretend our moment hadn’t happened, but it was clear that Marco suspected at least something. The prince’s eyes narrowed as they fell on me, and I did my best to smile and remain calm.

“What are you doing?” he demanded and he glanced between Asher and me. “Why wouldn’t the guard let me in right away?”

“What we’re doing is none of your business,” Asher said firmly, and then he raised his chin. “Besides, Marco, I’ve told you countless times before. I didn’t hear a knock. It’s impolite to enter anyone’s room without express permission. You didn’t wait for me to reply.”

The young prince’s eyes dropped to the ground and he audibly gulped.

“Sorry, Daddy,” he murmured.

“Now, why are you here?” Asher asked directly.

Marco raised his gaze and peeked at me. His cheeks darkened he gulped again. He clearly wasn’t about to say anything, not with me around.

It was definitely time for me to leave.

I straightened myself out and then presented the Alpha King with a polite bow of respect.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Your Majesty,” I said in my most professional tone. “For the health check, of course.”

“Of course,” Asher replied, and after we exchanged a brief look, I took a breath

and then headed toward the chamber door. With every step, my b*dy shook, but I managed to step out of the room just in time.

As the doors closed behind me, I could hear Asher’s voice, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. The guards allowed me to pa*s, and for a moment, I considered lingering, but decided it was time for me to go back to my own room. I’d been in the king’s chamber for far too long already.

On my way there, I remembered Asher’s mark and found myself at a crossroads. It was probably best to go straight to my own room, but I was too worried to just go to sleep. So, I decided to make my way downstairs to the lab.

Since it was so late, there were no people on the stairs, which meant I could slip around undetected. Technically, I was still under confinement, or at least I a*sumed I was, but I needed to do some reading before I could rest.

knew I was likely overreacting to the mark, but I couldn’t be too safe.

As I walked down the hall, the events of the last ten minutes raced through my mind.

The k*ss.

The bed.

Everything about it was so intense.

Not to mention that all of that had been done completely sober.

My b*dy shuddered as I remembered Asher’s hand on my thigh, the way he pulled my hair, and the way he’d bitten my lip.

I had just vowed to myself that I would be more careful and that I’d stay away from trouble, but it seemed that no matter how much I tried, I just sank deeper and deeper. There was no getting away from it, no matter how much I wanted to.

As images of Asher danced in my head, I reached the lab, and when I opened the door, I was surprised to see Becky there.

“Ca ssandra?” she greeted me in surprise, and then she rushed over to me. She pulled me into a tight hug and then squeezed. “Oh, Ca ssy, I’m so glad you’re okay.”

She pulled away and then frowned. “Are you… in pajamas?”


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