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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 28

  Alpha Maximus

  Waking up the next morning, Hope is snuggled in my arms. I kiss her cute button nose and it stirs her awake.

  She sits up, swiftly remembering everything from the day before, and she touches her face, and looks around, in thought.

  ‘You aren't dreaming. If that's what you're wondering,’ I say.

  ‘There are things I need to tell you,’ she says, softly.

  ‘Hope, I already know,’ I reply. She looks at me, confused.

  ‘No, I don't think you do,’ she says, puzzled.

  ‘I know your father is Alpha Levi and your mother is Anna Glint, the witch my parents hid and tried to save,’ I state.

  ‘How did you?’ She asks, and I hand her the love note, and watch her hold the heart pendant in her other hand.

  ‘Did your father gift that to your mother?’ I ask. She nods.

  ‘Yes, he did,’ she smiles.

  ‘I'm going to grant you a wish. We’re going to visit your grandfather and we are going to try and free your father.’ Hope’s eyes well and she lunges at me, and wraps her arms around my neck.

  ‘Thank you,’ she whispers.

  ‘Doing this puts you in great danger. So, we need to plan this carefully. You could be sentenced to death just for existing,’ I explain, truthfully. She nods.

  ‘I know. But it's not fair. Their crime was loving each other. I’m the result of that love! I'm not sorry for being born! I’m glad I’m here, because I have you, and you have me. No matter what,’ she says, with the utmost love in her voice.

  We share a fiery kiss, Hope straddles me, and I push myself into her, and she grinds against me, and we both moan. My hands cup her bum, and move along with her hips. I slap her sweet ass, making her gasp, and arch her back in pleasure.

  ‘Maximus,’ she moans, making my cock twitch inside of her, in pleasure.

  Hope smashes her mouth onto mine, and our tongues explore eachother, as we move even faster until we both cry out together in climax, filling her with my seed.

  I roll her onto her hands and knees, and push myself into her from behind; thrusting my cock in and out of her, and she clutches the sheets and cries out, as waves of pleasure ripple through our bodies, again releasing my seed, before she rolls onto her side, spent. 

  I carry her into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I kiss her blushing cheeks and her sweet lips. After our shower, we go downstairs and have breakfast together.

  ‘When will we be going to Dark Moon pack?’ Hope asks.

  ‘I’m thinking we can go as soon as today,’ I offer, and she nods and smiles. ‘We can't just turn up on his territory though. I’ll tell him I’m coming to speak with him about the peace treaty in person. We know he wants me dead, so we will have to be aware of any traps; I’ll bring all the warriors. We don't know how he’ll react when he meets you. I think it best not to introduce you to him straight away,’ I suggest. Hope stands and takes my hand.

  ‘Before we leave, I want to show you something,’ she says, I nod, and follow her through the castle.

  ‘I'm sure it’s around here somewhere,’ she says, confused.

  ‘What are you looking for?’ I ask.

  ‘The room where I found my mother's belongings; where I found the note and the necklace,’ she explains.

  ‘Uh huh!’ Hope yells.

  ‘What is it?’ I ask.

  She tugs my arm and leads me to a black hole in a wall with steps descending to a lower floor.

  I follow her down the stairs and she pushes on a wall, that reveals a room. I follow her in, where it’s quite dark, and she lights a candle. I turn around, looking at all the things in the room, and go over to one of the bookshelves and pick up a jar.

  ‘What is all this stuff?’ I ask.

  ‘I think they’re items my mother used for spells,’ she says.

  ‘I'm surprised you found this room. It's so well hidden.’

  ‘I found it by accident when I was lost. This is what I wanted to show you,’ she says, pulling across a red velvet curtain, hung between the shelves, on the wall, to reveal a painting. My jaw drops.

  ‘Hope! That’s you in the portrait! How? I don't understand,’ I ask, shocked.

  ‘It's not me silly. It's my parents,’ she says, beaming with a smile.

Chapter 28 1


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