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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 10

***Auri’s POV***

I had been upset that I woke up to an empty bed. The sheets, the pillows, the whole room smelled like Logan and I was in overdrive. I could barely breathe with how much I wanted him. But the bed next to me was empty and cold. The shock of the night must have pushed the mate bond out of my mind. The shock and happiness of being free, of not being rejected, seemed to push the pure desire for my mate back. But now, alone, in his room, I felt like a train had hit me.

Kai said to tease him a little, make him pay and regret changing us and not staying. Apparently it didn’t take much as he quickly picked me up and threw me onto the bed. Logan gave one last option to stop but the throbbing between my thighs and the fire that had spread through my limbs wouldn’t allow me to stop. I couldn’t think anymore except about this man in front of me. I wanted him and when he kissed me it was like someone fanning my flames. My body heated up and I ran my hands along his chest.

Logan broke the kiss and I took deep gulps of air but he continued to trail kisses down my body, making me suck in those same breaths. His tongue flicked my nipple and let out a yelp in surprise.

“Goddess, you’re so fucking beautiful.”

I blushed as he continued to kiss my body, tongue flicking my other nipple, involuntarily making my back arch up to him. The brush of my body against him seemed to only add fuel to the fire as one of his hand snaked under my back and held me up against him. His cock resting between my thighs.

“Logan…” I whimpered.

The electricity was shooting across my skin. I wanted him so bad. My breath was coming out haggard and I held it in as he started kissing lower and lower until his tongue found my clit. He licked once. It illicited a moan that tore from my throat and I could feel him smile against my pussy.

“And so responsive.” His breath against my pussy made me squirm and tighten my insides.

He kissed and licked my clit for a few minutes, bringing me to an edge that I thought I was going to fall off when he pulled his lips away. Moments later, I felt his fingers slide into my body and arched my back more, my head falling back into the pillow.

“Damn. I made you this wet, mate?” He growled against my thigh and I shuddered.

“Yes.” I was breathless. “Logan, please…I need…”

He chuckled as he slipped in a third finger and pumped faster. “What was that love? What did you need?”

“You. I need you.” I choked out between his pumps. But he only licked my clit in response and a mangled cry and moan tore from my throat.

“You have me in the palm of your hands, my love. I’m right here.”

I cursed under my breath and felt him chuckle. He damn well knew what I meant. His fingers started to go deeper and I felt myself starting to reach that edge again. There was a pressure that was building and the pleasure was overpowering all my senses.

“I think…I think I’m coming…”

His fingers froze and I whined. “You aren’t coming without me, my mate. Nice try.” Logan slipped his fingers out of my pussy and my eyes snapped to him. I was more shocked as he licked his three fingers that had just come out of me.

“You’re so damn sweet Auri. You taste so sweet.”

He climbed up and as I saw him start to kiss my cheek. I grabbed his face and pulled him to my lips. They crashed together sending another wave of sparks, igniting the fires and exploding them. Logan adjusted himself mid-kiss and I felt as his cock pressed up against my entrance. I broke the kiss, only to moan at the feeling and he took the opportunity to slide further in and kiss my neck.

“Auri…” His voice was little over a whisper. “Auri…can I mark you?” His face was nestled in the crook of my neck. “I’ve waiting so long for this. So long for you.”

Logan was moving his cock back and forth in me, going a little deeper each time. It took a minute to register what he had said. But I couldn’t find the words. The pleasure was too much and I couldn’t formulate them in head. So I did the only thing I thought would give him the go ahead. I brushed my teeth against his neck. Without thinking, my canines elongated and I sunk my teeth into the crook of his neck.

His shock and then pleasure rolled off of him as he started to go harder and faster. Logan lifted up his head and I felt his teeth pierce my skin. At first there was the initial pain, but after a few seconds, it was like someone turned on a switch. All the pleasure that had been building was let loose on my body. I moaned and screamed his name as my body arched into his. He started going deeper and harder in me.

“That’s it. You’re mine now. You will always be mine.”

I genuinely was impressed he could say anything. The feeling of him inside me, fitting in me like he belonged there. Like he was made for me. I reveled in it and there was no way I could formulate words. Not outside the moans and strangled calls of my mates name. Again, for the umpteenth time, I was at that edge as the pleasure overwhelmed me.

“Logan…I’m coming…”


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