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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 11

I woke up to the sun streaming into the windows. Blinking and covering my eyes against the sun, I looked around the room. Trying to orient myself, the memories of all yesterday and last night came over me and I blushed hard. I had passed out mid-sex. I pulled my knees up and buried my red face in them.

'To be fair, you passed out during round five. Not bad.' Kai winked and I pushed her to the back of my mind.

The last thing I needed was her giving me sass about what happened last night. Controlling my heart, I knew Logan wasn’t in the room when I woke up. His side of the bed was still warm, so it hadn’t been long since he had gotten up. Gingerly, I got off the bed and put weight on my legs. The soreness wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. Pushing Kai back meant that I would just have to feel around for the door. Walking slowly, I felt the door next to his dresser, remembering that it was the bathroom door.

I was still naked and so I just turned on the shower. Getting in, feeling the heat of the water melted away the soreness. Another blush made its way to my face and I slapped my cheeks. We would not blush. He was our mate. What we did we were going to be doing for a long time. No reason to be embarrassed about it.

I focused on washing my hair and body. Stepping out, I requested Kai for her eyes.

'Frankly, I didn’t think you had it in you to mate the first night.' I could feel her smirking.

I sighed. 'Kai, I would like to just find a towel and something to wear. Without the commentary.'

She chuckled but allowed me to look around for a towel. There was only one behind the door and it smelled of Logan. Shrugging, I used it to dry myself and padded back into the bedroom. I literally had brought no clothes from my house outside of the dress I was wearing and I was not about to wear that again.

I rummaged around Logans drawers until I grabbed one of his shirts that looked like it would reach almost to my knees. I also grabbed some of his boxer briefs which would just be normal boxers on me. The man was huge. I looked at myself in the mirror. I swam in the shirt but it covered everything essential so I concluded it was a win.

'Maybe he will rip his way through this one too once we get to his office.' Kai mused and I threw her to the back of my mind.

Darkness filled my vision but I had had enough of my horny counterpart for now. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the door and opened it. Listening, I didn’t hear any movement directly out the door. I knew roughly where his office was and I pulled down the shirt I was wearing one more time before I started to walk out into the hallway.

The packhouse was huge I realized last night. But it was very modern. Far from our packs very old castle looking buildings. We were on the third floor and there was another wing on the other side but it was a floor down and the wing across where Logan’s office was. I heard clanging on the first floor and I shuffled my way down. I frozen when another man was in the kitchen, wearing a peach apron with a cartoon bear on the front of it. He also froze, mid-bite of what looked like to be an orange.

He cleared his throat. “Good morning Luna.”

I nodded to him, still hiding slightly in the doorway.

“I’m Bryan, Alpha Logan’s Beta. I live on the other side of the house with our Gamma.”


He smiled, and motioned to a seat at the island that was about two, if not three times larger than the one we had back in the old pack. “Sit! I’m working on a new pancake recipe.”

I tugged down on Logan’s shirt but walked over to the chair and sat down. Bryan whistled while he cooked, pausing only to give me a glass of orange juice.

“You can’t image how happy I was when I heard his mate was of age.”

I chuckled. “I had been talking with my half-sister about him. We had a new member named Suzie, she was thirteen and we were convinced he was going to be her mate.”

Bryan threw back his head and laughed. “I’m glad I wasn’t the only one joking about him mating with someone ten years younger!”

“Well, he’s still older than me. By four years.”

“But we can take you to the club!” Bryan winked.

“My Luna is going nowhere near any of your sleazy clubs.” Logan walked in, fully dressed in a dress shirt and slacks. He looked beautiful. Even his hair was done and I felt wholly out of place. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my jawline. “Good morning, Auri.”

Bryan was staring from me to Logan, clearly stunned. “Alpha, since when did you become affectionate. Usually you just…”

Logan growled. “She’s my mate, Bryan. You keep your mouth shut. You’ll understand when you meet yours.”

He shrugged, turning back to his pancakes. Tearing a piece off, he nibbled it and made a face. “How do I make it chocolatey without melting chocolate directly into the batter.” Bryan mused.

“Nesquik.” I answered for him.

They both looked at me.

“I like to cook and bake.” I shrugged.

Bryan mock collapsed against the island. “Oh thank the moon goddess that she blessed us with a Luna such as this one.”

“Bryan.” Logan growled and Bryan pointed to him.

“Your mate, can’t cook for shit. He burns everything he touches. The amount of times the fire department has been out here because of his cooking…” Bryan grimaced. “Luna, please save us from his terrible cooking nights.”

I laughed. “I did all the cooking at my homes and so I’m used to it.”

“Homes?” Bryan raised his eyebrows.

Nodding, I fidgeted. “I live three month outside the pack territory, and four months in the territory. I’ve done that since I was eight.”


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