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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 37

We lapsed into a silence except for Vale’s occasional sigh after putting a mouthful of food in his mouth. I took the opportunity to eye-fuck my mate. He was so young and still had a light in his eyes that came with being younger. There was also a hardness and an understanding of the world I knew that Bryan had been trying to drill into me since we got here. Vale saw and heard a lot from the High Council, I was sure. Both bad and good.

He definitely took after Auri, though. There was a smile in everything she did, even after all the things I had heard she went through. Even after everything the previous Alpha King had done to force her out of her pack. Vale seemed to carry that same smile.

“Little Alpha, are you lost somewhere in your thoughts?”

I chuckled. “You know, I’m not an Alpha anymore.”

Vale rolled his eyes, settling down his plate in the sink. “You will always be an Alpha, Ezekiel. Whether or not your leading a pack. You are an Alpha. My Alpha.”

The last two words he growled out, looking at me with his bright golden eyes. His gaze made me shiver as I felt his power start to fill the room. My breath became ragged and I inhaled.


His eyes went back to their normal amber color and he coughed, blushing slightly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean for Naresh to take over. He’s been a little…anxious…lately.” Vale chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

Swallowing my slight awkwardness I felt, I moved over to Vale and grabbed his hips. My nails dug in and I roughly slammed him against the counter. Something fell in the sink behind us but I looked up at him, Faris taking over. He growled and purred deep as he kept Vale pinned against the counter. We reached up and pulled his face down, only to bite down on his jaw.

Being this close, I could hear Vale’s heart beat speed up and the low groan that resinated from him. His hands gripped my waist as he allowed Faris and I to nip and bite him. A shiver emanated from him and his patience ran out. Swapping positions, Vale picked me up easily and placed me on the counter. I blushed and Faris growled. Vale’s lips first found mine before moving to my jaw, my neck, and pressing into my shoulder.

I shivered, as his breath became more ragged and I could feel it fan against my skin. He was shaking and his grip tightened as I felt him fighting against his urge. The brush of teeth told me his canines were already elongated and he was struggling to hold himself back from marking me right here on the counter.

Reached down, I slipped my hand into his pants and grasped his erect dick. It was enough to snap him out of it as he raised to look at me. His canines still protruding as he regarded me curiously.

“Vale, I won’t let you mark me on the counter in the kitchen.” My words sounded a lot firmer than I felt.

He chuckled for a moment and nodded. “Sorry.” His canines disappeared back into his mouth and I smiled. “It’s hard. You smell…like home.”

Smiling, I shook my head. “Well, you smell like fresh baked bread so…” I let my sentence trail off.

“Did you just say fresh baked bread?” Vale grabbed my waist and lifted me off the counter. “You’re joking right?”

I shook my head, pulling down my shirt that had ridden up. “Fresh baked bread and basil.”

He stared at me for a while before he threw his head back and laughed. Vale was quick to laugh and I couldn’t help the grin that came to my face. We weren’t opposites but he definitely showed his emotion much quicker then I did. The sound made my heart soar and I don’t think I had ever felt so happy. Just from him being happy. This pull to him was so profound that I, honestly, was surprised he managed to pull away from me.

“Where did Mom set you up?”

“The far room on the second floor.” He nodded and took my hand.

Dragging me out of the kitchen, he grabbed a duffle bag on our way up the stairs and down the hall. I chortled as he dragged me and threw open the door. Vale let me go as he walked further into the room. Quickly, I closed the door behind us, locking it. He walked around the room, setting his duffle on the love seat in the corner of the room. His hands ran over the bed, dresser and he disappeared into the closet before coming out a minute later.

Vale hummed. “It smells of you everywhere.”

“I mean, I’ve been here for a few months now. What does it smell like?”

“Pine and old books.”

My eyebrow rose. “Old books?”

He nodded, turning back to me, his eyes boring into me. “It’s my favorite smell. Going into the library and cracking opening a book. The smell as you settle down to read. It’s the smell of home for me.”

The snarky remark I had got caught in my throat. Vale came over to me and I looked up at him. His height still being a wonder to me as he looked down. My hands came up and I splayed them across his chest. I ran my hands up, reaching the top button of his white collared shirt. Slowly, I unbuttoned each one, trailing a finger down his chest as the fabric parted. I was halfway through when the dark room lit up with a flash of lightening. Thunder boomed, reverberating through the house but my eyes stayed solely on his buttons.

With both hands, I untucked his shirt from his pants and continued to unbutton them. Once the shirt hung open, I placed both of my hands on his abs, the sparks racing through my fingers and up my arm. Running my hands up his body, I curved them around his shoulder and brushed the shirt off his shoulders. His chest rose and fell as the shirt fell away. I brushed my hands back down the front of him before nimbly unbuttoning his slacks. They fell, leaving him only in his boxers. I smirked, the pattern on the boxers were dinosaurs.

My hands started to grab his boxers but Vale’s hands grabbed my wrists. “Not yet, little Alpha.” He growled low. “You are far too clothed.”

His hands grabbed my shirt and in an instant it was gone. My eyes widened when I realized he had simply just tore it off of me.

Vale chuckled. “You ran my patience out.”


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