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Alpha's Blind Luna novel Chapter 56

The Alpha stood up, eyes wide. “Leaving? Like going back to fight later?”

The warrior shook his head. “No Alpha, they packed up their camps and tents and left. Went back to their homes. It’s over.”

Vale looked at me and smiled, I nodded back to him. “Well now, that’s great news!”

Mark, the Alpha, and Beta Joshua smiled exuberantly and clapped each other on the back. As though they did something that warranted this celebration.

“Let us feast! Tell everyone but the scouts to head back to the castle. We shall have a full spread prepared! I would like the scouting groups to eat as much from the food prepared for today as they would like but keep an eye out to make sure there is no trick.”

“Yes Alpha!” The three disappeared out of the tent.

I sighed and stretched. “Well, that was anti-climatic. Should we head back?”

“Yes, yes I think we should. I think after a couple days of ensuring that there is no trick, we can be out if your hair, Alpha Niles.” Mark smiled and I almost snapped my fingers. The Alpha’s name now clicking in my mind. Vale did tell me it and I thought it was silly that he was named after a river.

Vale got up and nodded up the men. “Sounds good.”

With my hands in my pocket, I walked next to Vale as we made our way through the forest, back to the castle. A bunch of the wolves were shifting and running back to the castle, as did the two Alpha’s and the Beta. I felt the prickle in the back of mind.

'Everything go as planned?'

I shrugged. 'As best as it could. It was actually easier than I thought it would be. But it seems our originally theory wasn’t too far off.'

Vale looked at me, his eyebrow quirked up. 'What do you mean?'

'One of the kids said they were going to be sold off or picked up. Basically replacements for the Alpha’s pups. So the Alpha was taking them to stop whoever is wanting the kids from taking his packs.'

Vale bit his bottom lip. 'It doesn’t excuse that kind of behavior.'

'No. No, it doesn’t. It’s understandable wanting to put your pack first and protect your pack but that was not the way to do it.'

'It made sense why he wasn’t afraid of another attack and his border patrols were so shit.'

I nodded and sighed. 'There also seems to be something shifty going on with the witches but I thought I would leave that to your High Councilor friends. We are going to have enough dealing with on this side of the territory line.'

Vale stopped for a second. 'Evan agreed. It took a couple days but he will head here in about a week or so. We might be here for another month, Hector. Trying to get a transfer of power and seeing how deep this corruption goes. Plus, if there are vampires coming into the territory, I want to destroy them.'

My heart skipped a beat and I halted my walk as well. Looking back at Vale, I knew what this meant for me. I wouldn’t be able to hold Auri or help her. We wouldn’t be able to join the search for Ezekiel for weeks. This also meant Vale would be just as stuck. Without being to help and without knowing.

'Are you sure, Vale?'

There was a long pause and I could see all the pain, the mixed emotions, flash across his face. 'I have to have faith. I have to have faith in my pack while I do my job as King.'

I gripped Vale’s shoulder tightly. “Then I will stand by you the entire time, my king. Whatever you need me for.”

Vale cracked a smile though. “Now, it’s time to sit back and enjoy the show, Hector. We are about to see the fruits of a labor in holding back.”

Shaking my head, I laughed. “I’m here for it.”

We shifted and ran back to the castle where it was already erupting in cheers. Celebrations were in full swing and a bunch of the workers were running around trying to get everything ready for this last minute party. Shifting back, I pulled on my clothes, as did Vale. We walked into the castle and headed into the dinning room. Alpha Niles was laughing with Mark and a bunch of his warriors as we walked in. Vale and I took our usual seats near the center of the long table.

Food was being set on the table with a multitude of fresh meats and sweets. It was wild considering how mediocre the food had been for the entire time we were here. I wondered if this is what everyone normally got and they just made of show of being measly for us. I reached out and took a few turkey legs from a platter. One of the girls from the kitchen staff leaned over my shoulder and asked if I would like wine. Smiling at her, I held up my glass and she poured it to the top.

“Thank you, dear.”

She flashed me a smile and disappeared. Vale quirked an eyebrow.

“For liking my mom, you sure are a flirt.”

I coughed on the wine I had been drinking. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Please, Hector. Don’t insult me. I see how you look at her. How you have always looked at her. Been there for her. Does she know?”

My eyes narrowed. “Interesting question coming from the son of her mate.”

“Dad is an idiot. He’s losing Mom and honestly, I think he’s already lost her. I don’t know what it’s going to take for him to realize that, but when he does, he’s going to live with so much regret.” Vale smiled, taking a drink of wine. “Doesn’t mean you have to live with that regret too.”

Shaking my head, I sighed much bigger than intended. “Yes, your mother knows. And no, we aren’t about to embrace each other as lovers. Auri has always had Logan as her mate, your father. It’s not my place, Vale. I will protect her and be by her side till the very end. But I don’t get in the way of her and Logan. They’ve come through worse.”

Vale stared down into his glass. “But what if he doesn’t deserve her?”

“It doesn’t matter what we think. What matters is Auri. It will always be her decision. Always be up to her.”


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