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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190

“Then why are you.” Nicholas furrowed his brows slightly

Although he didn’t know Tobias very well, Nicholas was certain that the former wasn’t someone who would give up easily. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to reign in the business world for so many years, Even until now, his legendary status in the industry still stood.

A decisive person like Tobias would stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

That was why Nicholas had a feeling that something was waiting for him today.

Tobias smiled gently. “Since you don’t want to go through the trouble of choosing, I’ve personally arranged everything for you. You just have to accept what I planned for you.”

Listening to him, Nicholas was slightly stunned. What did he prepare for me?!

In the meantime, Andrew came into the dining room and said, “Sir, Master Nicholas, Miss Stone is here.”

“Hmm-she came just in time.” Tobias smiled at Nicholas excitedly before looking at Andrew. “Let her in.”

Listening to them, Nicholas frowned. Miss Stone? Just as I expected, the old man is fully prepared. This is a trap waiting for me.

Ever since Nicholas returned to the country two years ago, he didn’t attend any gatherings of the elite families, so he only knew that there was a person called Hayley Stone, but he did not have any impression of her.

“Please come in, Miss Stone.” Andrew bowed slightly at a young woman while making a standard gesture to lead the way.

Hayley glided into the dining room in her vintage dress that gave her a gorgeous picturesque look.


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