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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 206

Chapter 206 

Back at home, Gregory had always wanted to learn when he saw Nicholas working. It was just that his father was always so busy that he felt bad about disturbing him. Besides, he had so much homework that he had no time to play around like this. So this was the perfect opportunity for him to learn. Furthermore, a talented person like Timothy was around to teach him. How could he not grasp the opportunity firmly?

“Sure.” Timothy had always been fond of Gregory. Seeing how much Gregory liked coding and how naturally talented he was, Timothy’s favorable impression toward Gregory immediately soared. He couldn’t wait to teach Gregory all the knowledge he had learned in the past.

He took out another computer so that they each had a laptop to use. After that, he wrote a simple software. Gregory followed his example. There was barely any need for him to correct any minor mistakes that Gregory might have made while entering the codes. Gregory’s memory was so good that he practically copied and pasted everything. It was a perfect replica.

The two of them had a lot of fun together, creating software after software without getting tired of it.

Tessa listened to the sounds of their hands flying swiftly across the keyboard and shook her head helplessly.

Timothy was already crazy enough about programming when he was creating software by himself. It was to the point where he would even forget to eat or sleep. The addition of Gregory only made him even more excited. It looks like he won’t be getting any rest tonight.

Fortunately, what she was worried about did not happen. Gregory was just a child after all, so he could not stay awake after his bedtime. After playing around for a bit, he was so sleepy that his eyes were watering. He looked at Tessa with tears in his eyes and said, “Miss Tessa, I want to sleep.”

“Okay. Let’s go take a bath first. You can sleep after taking a bath.” Tessa shook her head in amusement before she took his hand and headed to the shower.

When Timothy saw the sight of that large hand holding the small hand, a particularly harmonious picture suddenly popped up in his head. He jokingly said, “Tess, if you went out with Young Master Gregory like this, people who didn’t know you would probably think that he was your son.”

His statement also amused her. “If I can give birth to a child as adorable and intelligent as Greg, then I’d probably wake up from laughing in my dreams.”


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