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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 

The affairs of the Sawyer Family were not something ‘revor could meddle in. Therefore, he kept silent regarding that matter. He planned to comfort Tessa a bit more before asking her to leave. It would not be good for her tò stay here for too


Before he could speak a word, a sharp female voice interrupted him. That person said, “Tessa, you came! Why didn’t you let us know in advance?”

Tessa looked up. It was Queenie!

Although she rarely interacted with Queenie, they worked in the same orchestra, so it was only natural that she was familiar with Queenie’s character. Not wanting to speak to Queenie, she simply nodded indifferently in response.

Unfortunately, Queenie had no intention of letting Tessa off the hook just like that. She had been rehearsing in the training room earlier but came here specifically to laugh at Tessa when she heard that Tessa was here.

She laughed and uttered, “Tessa, to be honest, it’s impossible for you to be the assistant concertmaster with your qualifications. Your violin skills are only mediocre at best, so please don’t disgrace us. Not long ago, I heard that you were bragging about how you obtained this position because you were favored by Mr. Oswald. He feels too bad to say anything, so I will speak for him instead. He doesn’t value you at: all. He simply felt that you worked too hard, and you wouldn’t understand your value unless he gave you a chance to run into a wall.”

“Queenie, stop that.”

After watching how Queenie triumphantly mocked Tessa, the people who came out with Queenie couldn’t bear listening any longer and frowningly interrupted her. Her words were too much. Who among those in the orchestra did not know that Queenie was no match for Tessa, both in terms of behavior or violin skills?

Tessa treated everybody equally, regardless of whether she served as the assistant concertmaster or not. She was so good-natured that it was unbelievable.

On the other hand, Queenie began throwing her weight around as soon as she came to power. She constantly undermined and oppressed the others to establish her position.


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