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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 256

Chapter 256 

“Nicholas, I always thought that even the rich and influential are reasonable people, but I now realize that I was wrong and being too hopeful.”

Tears started to swim in Tessa’s eyes and she didn’t know whether it was because of her anger or aggrievement, but she glared at Nicholas without blinking.

Seeing her this way, Nicholas felt inexplicably heartbroken. “I—”.

“President Sawyer, my brother and I merely want to have a quiet life and the feud in your family has nothing to do with us, really. So, I’m begging you. Please don’t come over anymore, President Sawyer. We can’t afford to be hurt. Really, there’s no need for us to be in contact anymore.”

“Tess?” Timothy was a little shocked by the things she had just said. Even though he was aware that she was angry, he thought that she would only complain a little and he didn’t expect that she would say something so decisively.

However, judging from the look on her face, he knew that she had to be feeling bad inside. Every time she wanted to break things off, she would be soft-hearted whenever Gregory appeared and it was unbearable for her to say that they should never be in contact again.

She had said something like this for the sake of them both as a family, but he felt that it was difficult on her…

On the other hand, Nicholas wasn’t surprised at Tessa’s words. While on the way here, it had already occurred to him that Tessa would choose to avoid it if she found out about this matter and would even make a clean break with him and Gregory.

However, Nicholas had also thought of a counter-move for himself because he didn’t want her to be away from him and Gregory. In addition, just the thought that Tessa would be dating other men in the future made him very uncomfortable.


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