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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 294

Chapter 294 

Pretending not to see his indiscrete actions, Timothy asked, “Which part don’t you understand?”

“Uh, this part.” Then, he took out a notebook from his little backpack, carelessly flipped to a page, and pointed to a spot.

While Timothy checked the notebook, Gregory fixed his eyes again on Tessa’s tightly shut bedroom door. Why isnt Miss Tessa out yet? Didnt she hear my voice

Half an hour passed by, and Timothy stopped his explanation and turned to look at the distracted Gregory, asking, “Do you understand it now?”

Snapped back to his senses, Gregory nodded sheepishly. “I got it, Mr. Timothy.”

Nodding, Timothy chose not to expose him. “It’s late. I’ll send you home,” he said, placing his notebook into the backpack before he stood up to send him off.

Unwittingly, Gregory started to become anxious because he deliberately used learning as an excuse to visit Tessa, but he didn’t even get to see her at all.

At the thought of this, he couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Timothy, I’ve been here for so long, but why didn’t Miss Tessa even come out to see me?”

Seeing the eagerness in Gregory’s eyes, Timothy felt a little sorry, but when he recalled Tessa’s reminder, he toughened his heart and said, “My sister has gone to sleepover at a friend’s place.”

Gregory was taken aback, “So, Miss Tessa isn’t coming back tonight?”

“Yeah, she won’t be back,” Timothy answered with a nod.

The light in Gregory’s eyes dimmed immediately after he heard that, and he hung his head with an unmistakable look of disappointment. “I haven’t seen Miss Tessa for so many days, and I really, really miss her.”

Since Timothy didn’t know how he could comfort Gregory, he merely ruffled his dark hair gently and stayed by his side silently. Just then, the doorbell rang again, and when Timothy opened the door, he saw Nicholas dressed in a tailored black suit outside his door. His well-sculptured face was wearing an aloof expression.


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