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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas) novel Chapter 332

Chapter 332 

After a while, Tessa regained her spirit and started her daily routine. Finally, she began her daily practice. Time flew by in a blink of an eye while she was immersed in her intense practice session. And thus, another day went by just like that.

In the evening, Tessa received a video call from Timothy after she went homề and. had her dinner.

Timothy wore a tailored black suit in the video, and he had fastidiously groomed his hair. He looked decent yet gentle with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his tall nose bridge.

As Tessa looked at Timothy, who became more and more handsome and reliable through the video call, she suddenly felt that her baby brother was all grown up now. I wonder which girl will be lucky enough to hit the jackpot and win my outstanding brother over in the future. She could not help but start looking forward to it at that thought.

Not knowing she was already indulged in thinking about his future girlfriend, Timothy put up a faint smile on his handsome face. “Tess, what are you doing?”

“I just finished having my dinner, and you? What are you doing?”

“I just finished my work.”

After that, the siblings chatted for a while. Then, Timothy suddenly said, “Tess, I just flipped through the calendar and realized it’s your birthday at the end of this month. So I decided to fly over to celebrate your birthday with you.”

Tessa was stunned, and after counting silently, she realized it really was her birthday at the month’s end. She could not help but sigh. “Time does fly! I would have nearly forgotten about it if it wasn’t for your reminder.”

“I knew it! I knew you would have forgotten.” Timothy smiled. “Then, that settles it. I’ll come over and accompany you on your birthday at the end of this month.”

Tessa felt a warmth through her heart as she heard his declaration. The feeling of being cared about by someone sure is great.

Although Tessa was moved, she did not want Timothy to travel such a long distance. “It’s just a birthday. You don’t have to travel so far for me.”

Timothy refuted as he disagreed with her, “It’s your birthday! Why wouldn’t I do

something special for you?”


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